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Re: jimmy houston shhooting caged deer!

It's a **** shame that there is peple with no HUNTING ETHICS or RESPECT FOR THE OUTDOORS!!!! I am trying to bring my son up with these values and people like this seem to try to break down all morals and values from the younger generation!

Re: jimmy houston shhooting caged deer!

Fellows, I have known of Russ Bellar for almost 25 years. He is nothing but a crook. This was not his first time in trouble. He used to be a "Big time" coon hunter. Always having good dogs and almost never getting beat. He was caught on several occasions having croonies catch others dogs and hold them so his dog would win. He was caught on three different occasions that I am aware of paying off judges so his dogs would win. This is not a stab at the man or anything else.. Just want you to know a little about him. Nothing but a crook that was making some biGGGGG bucks. He has sold coon dogs for over 40,000 dollars. and I would not have giving you 2 dollars for them. Any of you guys out there that used to coon hunt around the Big events should remember ol Russ.
ONCE A CRROK ALWAYS A CROOK. Hope they lock his sorry a** up once and for all.

Re: jimmy houston shhooting caged deer!

I already didn't like Jimmy Houston before I found out about this, but now I really hate him, what an idiot.

Re: jimmy houston shhooting caged deer!

Don't just get mad. Get him where it hurts,in his overstuffed pocketbook. I went on his website, noted all his sponsors, and sent them the video in an email
advising them I wouldn't be spending my money with them as long as they sponsored this sorry lowlife. You can also go here and sign a petition foe ESPN to dump the idiot:

Re: jimmy houston shhooting caged deer!

i cant find this site.

Re: jimmy houston shhooting caged deer!

Son of Dixie wrote:

"Don't just get mad. Get him where it hurts,in his overstuffed pocketbook. I went on his website, noted all his sponsors, and sent them the video in an email
advising them I wouldn't be spending my money with them as long as they sponsored this sorry lowlife. You can also go here and sign a petition foe ESPN to dump the idiot:

Don't know how much luck you'll have with his sponsors because this is old news. In other words, I'm sure they already know about. I believe the incident happened at least a couple years ago.

Re: jimmy houston shhooting caged deer!

The problem is they call it hunting and nothing is further from the truth. If you pay a guide to find any animal then all you did was shoot didn't hunt anything. If you want to call it shooting then fine but that's not "hunting" I'm sure that will ruffle some feathers but when you hire someone to show you were the game is and point it out all you did was pull the trigger......