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Re: Bottom of Terror Barrel: Source of it all is law.

Three Wishes: Grace => Mercy => Peace

What do you find at a "throne of grace"? Only grace.

What is obtained at a throne of grace? Only mercy.

What constitutes peace with God? Pure grace (void of law) that is also merciful (void of sacrifice).

Biblically peace with God is notably "through" Jesus => Christ: the end of the law. Through Jesus (born under the law) to Christ (the end of the law). Thereby God's grace is grace us, God's mercy is merciful, God's life is eternal. Thereby God's Son could not be holden of death.

When we all let law be mortal, die, vanish; then terror, torment, sorrow, death will also vanish.

For peace(grace) + terror(law) ends badly for all.

For immortal + mortal is a dead end, just as the oxymoron grace + law = life + death = a dead end.

God will not have a dead end, not then, not now, not ever. Any who think other wise, the earthy, sensual, and devilish wise (law wise), may bend over and kiss their divided asses bye bye.

God's grace does not compromise with law. When grace and truth came by Jesus Christ, thereby law and lie are to be eradicated, blotted out, done away, abolished, taken away, put off, put away... to the point of law vanishing, and all the terror of it also vanishing. For God is love void of fear (torment).

Objective of the God Shew is to flush law as dung.

The "grace" of our Lord Jesus Christ with you all. Amen. (no mention of any law at all in "the end")

Daniel Miles

Re: Bottom of Terror Barrel: Source of it all is law.

Grace & Peace unto YOU from God & Son Unlimited.

Terror, and terror-ists who do terrible things, have become a global epidemic of fear hath torment. The root cause of it all, at the bottom of the terror barrel is obviously the law, legalism.

The law of Moses was not only a "great terror" to all Israel (of Jacob-->Israel): Deuteronomy 34:12, but even to Moses himself: Hebrews 12, notes Moses himself exceedingly feared and quaked at Mt Sinai, where the Jews notably well spoke in saying the law should not be spoken to them again; also recorded in Deuteronomy, where law both blesses and curses, bringing both comfort and dis-comfort, rather than grace brings comfort only, never discomfort.

Law is both good and evil; And when all the evidence is reviewed, law does more harm than good; Not only afflicting souls, but also vexing the spirit and destroying lives, often merciless, for the hell of it. On the contrary grace is merciful and peaceful, does good only.

There's plenty of laws in the world of chaos. The more laws added, the more chaos & confusion created. Yet when feared or harmed, ignorant people still oft say: there ought to be a law, as if completely unaware the problem is law, and the solution is grace.

You are welcome to weigh in on this topic, so it may be discussed to the point it is understood the law is at the bottom of the terror barrel, as the root cause of terror, and of fear, which hath torment. On the contrary perfect love hath no fear, nor torment, nor terror. Terror only occurs when law is given place; which is to allegory say the devil is given place.

The GRACE of our Lord Jesus Christ with you all. Amen.

Re: Bottom of Terror Barrel: Source of it all is law.

I guess if we do away with traffic lights, stop signs and speed limits our roadways would be much safer? You have your head in the clouds. This is not a perfect world yet, it is a fallen world. You speak of a perfect would when law is not required. Law is required in an inperfect world. We are not perfected yet. When we are we will not need law because we will have no desire to break it, although it will always exist because it is the very charater of Father. Most people in this fallen world still want to break the law. You just need to realize what you and most people think the law is, is not the law. Jesus came to "fulfill" the law. That means complete it, not do away with it. Do the study before you teach. The true law has nothing to do with what the lying pen of the scribes changed it to be (sacrifices). Can't you understand that? Father plainly tells us in Jeremiah (see the post) that the evil scribes changed the law of Father into a perverted mess. Do away with the perverted mess and keep the true law of Father. What is that you ask. If you know Father, you will know His true law because he wrote it in everyone's heart. If you do not know the true law, get to know the true Father in Heaven. Listen to what the real life walking and talking Jesus taught, and you will know Father, because He was the very Word of Father. You have a big problem because you do not believe in the real flesh and blood Jesus, so you can not know the real Father. That is a shame. Why teach other people and put that shame on them?

Re: Bottom of Terror Barrel: Source of it all is law.

Dear Tuxedo Bob?

Grace unto you, and peace,
from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

Actually my head: Christ, and his head: God, are above cloudy confusion.

It's your imperfect law that makes your perception of the world imperfect. The world is progressing toward grace and peace. We no longer burn witches, holocaust jews, electrocute gays, and racism is at last unpopular. Generations of legalism and abuse are fading to oblivion, just as war is becoming obsolete and walls are coming down.

As for law always existing, it won't happen since law is corruptible and mortal, even had an expiry date; but grace is incorruptible and immortal. So it's a matter of time for law, but not for grace is eternal.

The only thing that fulfills law worketh wrath is death and destruction, to the point of extinction, even the extinction of itself.

The GRACE of our Lord Jesus Christ with you all. Amen.

Re: Bottom of Terror Barrel: Source of it all is law.

You have to be joking? You said..."We no longer burn witches, holocaust jews, electrocute gays, and racism is at last unpopular."
If we no longer do those things it's because we follow the true law of Father. Since when does love God and love your neighbor as yourself mean the things you stated. Dear mislead man, it means the opposite. You do none of those things if you follow the example and LAW of the true REAL Jesus. Why do you say "my law"? I have nothing to do with the law you speak of. You just don't get it and probably never will. Sometimes I wonder what just goes through that mind of yours. But then again, I really do not want to know. Once again dear fellow, the law of Father has nothing to do with the law of preists, sacrifices, and all the other foolishness and sickness the preist and lying pens of the scribes added (as spoken by Jeremiah). It's not rocket science to understand. You just have to know the true Father that knocks at the door of everyone's heart. Answer the door, let Him in, and you will see the true and eternal law of Father. Without it nothing exists. Evil exists only if you let it exist in you. Do you really think Father threw out Adam out of the garden because he became like Father as the bible says? NO, Adam was thrown out because he ate of the tree and gained the knowladge of evil and was not like Father anymore. It is pretty silly to think Adam became like Father, so Father threw him out. Sorry, but that is insane. Follow the true law of Father and evil will not exist anymore. Become like Father and do not know evil anymore, know only good.
Until your next oddly untrue statement,
Thorn in your side - A.K.A. Timothy Tuxedo
May the peace of the REAL Yeshua be upon you.

Re: Bottom of Terror Barrel: Source of it all is law.

Hi Tim (alias AC, alias TB),

Grace unto you, and peace,
from God our Father and the Lord JC.

Law vs Grace is really no contest at all,
as law is mortal and eventually expires.

Only what began can end. Law began.
Eternal grace has no begin nor end.

The GRACE of our Lord Jesus Christ with you all. Amen.

Re: Bottom of Terror Barrel: Source of it all is law.

Law had a beginning? The law you speak of began as Jeremiah said...with the lying pen of the scribes. Seems like you never want to talk about that prase do you? Seems like you like to ignore all the other prophets sent by Father saying the same thing. The Law of Father had no beginning unless you want to say Father had a beginning. The TRUE LAW is Father and Father is the TRUE LAW. You can not seperate the two. You can seperate a fool from his money, but you can not seperate the Law from Father. Satan already tried to do that, then he sent Paul, I guess now you pick up the challange too? Go tell the spirit that taught you everything just like Paul, as you told in your life story, that it did not work then and it will not work now. Tell that spirit he lost a long time ago. Tell that spirit that he is totally powerless against the true Law of Father. Of course he already knows that. Why do you not understand that? I'm sorry, but you are a very smart man. You know the law of sacrifices and filth is not the true Law of Father. You know it is man made. You know what the real Law of Father is and that we have to keep it as Jesus said. How do I know you know? Because Father said it is written in the very heart (mind) of EVERY MAN. You just choose to ignore it. One day the spirit of truth will fly away from you. Sadly, then it is too late. That is the one sin that cannot be forgiven in this world or the world to come. Listen to it. It knocks at your door. Don't walk through the wide gate, turn and enter the narrow gate. It has the teachings and commandments of Jesus on the other side. It is not the popular gate, but it does lead to life. Who would not give up the whole world to see a single man walk through the gate that leads to life? Who would not set at a stupid computer hour after hour to tell someone they are stepping into the wrong gate and following the wrong teacher? I even said things very hurtful and against my spirit in an effert for you to see (which was wrong). Will you make it all for not? Even so, the time spent was spent well. What is the spirit of one man worth to make him a brother? You are not my brother, but how I wish you could have been. I do not think I could ever save you of course (only Father through Jesus can), I was just trying to get you to let Father in Heaven save you. I do not hate you, I just hate your teaching from the spirit that taught you.
Thank you for your time.

Re: Bottom of Terror Barrel: Source of it all is law.

Back to (know not) Bob,

Grace(not law) unto you, and peace,
from God OUR Father and the Lord JC.

Tuxedo Bob (AC Paul, Timothy): You still don't know the difference between the Father and our Father, is as the difference between law and grace, compared as lie and truth in John 1:17.

There is no hate in grace,
nor any division in peace.

Perhaps you could read Paul to 1&2Timothy,
"study to shew thyself approved unto God",
then help them who oppose themselves with law,
to "recover themselves" from such law bondage.

We know Timothy did, for it's recorded,
that brother Timothy is "set at liberty",
as noted in Paul to the Hebrews 13:23;
which concludes "Grace with you all. Amen."

The GRACE of our Lord Jesus Christ with you all. Amen.

Re: Bottom of Terror Barrel: Source of it all is law.

"Good-day" Mr. Miles,
You still don't lack any talent in making me chuckle, I have to give you credit for that. Father said the rain falls on all equally. Enjoy your rain Mr. Miles. I hope it will grow a good crop in you one day.
Until that time,
The many named wonder.

Re: Bottom of Terror Barrel: Source of it all is law.

Dear Tuxedo Bob(alias AC Paul, Timothy),

Grace unto you, and peace,
from God our Father and the Lord JC.

You may wanna check out the threat about the Father in Matthew 18:35, which is the same as the threat in the PS to the Lord's Prayer in Matthew 6:15. Law pity, thought to be compassion and forgiveness can be followed by wroth and tormentors if you don't forgive all men their trespasses after you're forgiven your trespasses. Do you know all men, or what their trespasses are? How do any trespass unless there is law to trespass? What if they were unaware of such law? Are they still guilty? What of blasphemy the Ghost that is unpardonable? How do you forgive this? What of the curse of the law? If you don't forgive, or can't reverse the curse, then neither do you get forgiveness, but wroth and tormentors. What a dilemna.

Let us have an end of good and evil law; For by the using of laws all perish, since law is a mission impossible to keep it all, all the time, to a thousand generations. This condition of law has already been breached, by the woman in the beginning. So how do you propose to change this, other than by abolition of law? It's the only way any, thereby all, can be truly forgiven.

The GRACE of our Lord Jesus Christ with you all. Amen.

Re: Bottom of Terror Barrel: Source of it all is law.

If you are unaware of a law and break it, you will not be found guilty. Remember Jesus said that if you "see", your sin remains, but if you are blind, you are not guilty. The Pharisees saw and were guilty. I'm not sure what threat you are talking about? Why would Jesus expect you to forgive tresspasses you don't know about...enough with knocking down the strawman! Your point is invalad per common sense. Why would people need to forgive blasphemy the Holy Spirit? Father would need to do that, which He states He will not. The unpardonable sin is a lifetime of stopping you ears to the Holy Spirit until it departs from you never to return. Father gives that person what he wants. Eternal seperation from Father by the nothingness of death in lieu of life with Father. What is wrong with this. It is fair, merciful, and just. Sorry, you have an invalad point again. You can't keep the Law of Father without sin. No one has. All you can do is try your best and love your neighbor as yourself. This is all He wants and will forgive the rest. Do you have a problem with that? Again, your point is invalad. You say abolition of law is the only way to be forgiven. You might want to run that by Jesus. It is made clear that those who promise liberty by abolition of law only place people back under the chains of sin by breaking the law and not asking for forgiveness. It is just the same old lie by Satan from the beginning. It never has, nor never will fool me. It is really so last season. Again, why do you do the work of the evil one by teaching this? It really is sad. Anyway, until your next oddly untrue statements to deceive,
Timothy Tuxedo,
If you want the actual quotes, I will give them as usual. Just ask.

Re: Bottom of Terror Barrel: Source of it all is law.

Dear ACPaul/TuxedoBob/TuxedoTim,

Grace unto you, and peace,
from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

Grace has no law to obey or disobey, and thereby no Rom 2 anguish to deal with, but rather peace (rest).

Perhaps that is why James 3 notes firstly pure wisdom from above (Grace unto you from God our Father) is thereby also firstly peaceable of 7 things grace is.

The problem with your law conviction and pardon is some sin is unpardonable, namely blasphemy the Ghost (speaking against the Law). Not to mention law confession of sin leaves you with the dilemna of bloodshed sacrifice for law imputed sin does not purge all sins, but almost all, leaving you with an unpurged conscience, an evil conscience still subject to evil concupiscence of law and feeling wretched thereby, as Paul did until he flushed all law as dung. In the same manner those who law judge, thinking to accuse others and excuse themselves by law, are not excused by law, but "inexcusable" and subject to the consequences: indignation, wrath, tribulation, and anguish spoken of in Romans 2.

Love thy neighbor is a law (Mt 22), to put away.
Ye are not under law, but under grace: Rom x2.
If led of the Spirit ye are not under law: Gal.

Try and fail is fail-u-are. Charity never fails.
If you try and fail to keep all law, condemned.
As you aptly note, nobody can keep all the law.
So the way to never fail is abolish all the law.

Law is imperfect. Grace is perfect. Be ye perfect.
Law accuses, condemns, and oft wrongfully convicts.
Grace doesn't accuse, or condemn, or con-vict any.
Law isn't merciful. Grace is merciful. Be ye merciful.

Comparing law to grace, law has "no glory" by comparison to grace so excelleth in glory the law fades to nothing but sounding brass by comparison.

Forgiveness is for know nots, them who know not if they don't forgive all men all trespasses they will not get forgiveness from the Father of Jesus: Law.

Charity thinketh no evil to even forgive.
Charity is put on above forgiving one another.

Scriptures were written aforetime for our learning.
I do not teach, but rather share what I've learned.
It is preposterous order to teach first, learn after.

The GRACE of our Lord Jesus Christ with you all. Amen.

Re: Bottom of Terror Barrel: Source of it all is law.

Thank you for informing us that Love thy neighbor is a law (Mt 22), to put away. It's only the 2nd greatest commandment given by Jesus. Oh, that right, you do not believe in a literal Jesus. Just when I think you have stated the most foolish statement, you raise the bar to the next level of non-sense. Remember the dark mist Paul said fell upon his followers? Wonder where the dark (evil) mist spirit came from? As the church lady on SNL would have said, Ummmmmm, maybe SATAN!
Good day and Good luck Mr. Miles. You still crack me up with your total non-sense.
Until your next oddly untrue statment.
The many named wonder. I wonder how many?

Re: Bottom of Terror Barrel: Source of it all is law.

Tuxedo Bob,

Grace unto you, and peace,
from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

Indeed, Love thy neighbor is a "law" to put away, notably "the second is like unto the first" in Mt 22: 36-40 law law; And the first of Rom 8:2 law law is sin and death. Not to mention Rom 8 law vs law is divided against itself.

Let's look at America, which according to it's leader is 'a nation under law', and his 'rule of law' he promised to make global at his second coming. How well does it love it's neighbor Cuba, or it's own people? America has the most violence of all nations, also the most violent weather. Like the Roman Empire it is deteriorating from within.

As for Jesus Christ, the only commandment he gave was "new": "Love one another as I have loved you": John 13:34; 15:12. Paul gives more clarity about the end of the commandment, namely "you" in which the KofG resides, being "charity" out of a pure heart, and a good conscience, and faith unfeigned.

The GRACE of our Lord Jesus Christ with you all. Amen.

Re: Bottom of Terror Barrel: Source of it all is law.

Well wake up the cat and pour the coffee! I think you finally see the true Law of Father. It is love your Creator with all your heart and love one another. Danny, this is the true Law of Father. Do it or die. Seem harsh? Hardly! Follow this Law and you follow Father, do not follow this Law and you reject Him and die (eternally). Get the sick Law of the scribes and Preist out of your mind. It was man made as Jeremiah plainly stated. Jesus brought no "new" Law. Jesus brought back the true Law that was pushed aside and forgotten for their new sick twisted pagan sacfrice laws. Jeremiah said that Father never wanted or commanded these things. How could he say it more plainly. Paul is dead wrong. The true Law does exists and you do sin if you break it. You still need to repent of breaking the true Law or die. Teaching others that you can not sin anymore is plain twisted sickness that kills. Please, let's stop being murders of people and teach the true and first Law of Father. The ten commandments were made for people with stone hearts, the true Law of Father is written in our hearts from before the foundation of the world. We stay with Father or leave Him and die. He gives us that choice. Nothing can make me sicker than preacherman spewing out sinners will be in twisted hell torture fire forever. If we choose not to follow Father, He let us rest in peace (death) at the end, which is love and mercy, for the person has chose this path. Paul wants to confuse the path for people who really want to follow Father. Stop helping him do so. Father is His true Law and nobody will be with Father who does not choose to follow His true Law. Enjoy your true sabbath of rest today (not to be confused with worship).

Re: Bottom of Terror Barrel: Source of it all is law.

Dear Bobby, Timmy, whatever your name is,

Grace(not law) unto you, and peace(not division),
from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

Christ abolished the surely die lie: Eph 2.
Christ is the end of the law: Romans 10:4.
Reconciling the world is done "in Christ",
by NOT law imputing sin to them: 2Cor 5:19.

The other sort, of two reconciled(s), is to death;
as noted in the two Roman 5 mentions of reconciled.

The GRACE of our Lord Jesus Christ with you all. Amen.

Re: Bottom of Terror Barrel: Source of it all is law.

Dear Danny, Godshew, whatever you call yourself,
Law (not deception) unto you, Jesus (not Paul the antichrist)from my Father in Heaven and Yeshua.

Jesus said "If you love me, keep my commandments".
Jesus said "The Law will never pass away".
Jesus brought the original law back to us.
Jesus said "endure until the end and you shall be saved".
The other sorted quotes noted by you leads only to death eternal as stated by Father in Heaven.

The True Law of our Creator be with you all. Amen.

Re: Bottom of Terror Barrel: Source of it all is law.

Grace & Peace,

Indeed, endure unto the end to be saved(graced):

The GRACE of our Lord Jesus Christ with you all. Amen.