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its grace + law and not law +grace

Re: Is Grace and Love the same thing

Dear Ruth,

Grace unto you, and peace,
from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

God is love; But love can be many different things. Law can love you, but it is not perfect love, for law both loves and hates, being both good and evil; And hatred is not grace us.

His Grace is perfect love, which is void of fear (hath torment): 1John 4. Be ye perfect in Matthew 5:48 is be ye also merciful in Luke 6:36. So perfect love is also merciful: full of mercy, not both merciful and merciless. Full of mercy speaks of being void of sacrifice. So it is written God will have mercy and not sacrifice: Matthew 9:13 (from Hosea 6:6); Which is to allegory say God will have grace and not law. So "perfect love" is pure grace that is merciful only. James 1 calls it "pure religion", and James 3 calls it "pure wisdom".

Pure religion in James 1:27 notably arrives undefiled and remaians unspotted in a come and go visit to the afflicted:

Pure wisdom in James 3:17 notably has seven traits, and the first of seven things grace is, is peace-able:

In 1Corinthians 13 perfect love (pure grace) is called "charity" in the King James Version. The reason charity never fails is because it thinketh no evil to even forgive. So we are told to put on charity above forgiving one another in Colossians 3; Which is above forgiving one another in Ephesians 4.

But charity (perfect love, pure grace) begins with edifying up from below, as noted in 1Corinthians 8; Firstly helping you get it right of law vs grace, by learning the difference between imperfect love and perfect love; Which is also to say the difference between imperfect God: Law and perfect God: Grace. But since perfect God has no imperfection (pure grace has no law), the higher exhortation is to rise above law vs grace to grace only. For even when right of law vs grace, it still gives place to law, which still gives place to death. So in the end already written, there is no mention of law at all, only grace.

The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ with you all. Amen.