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Re: Re: For Rick

We play on the 25Th this Friday at The Central Saloon. The show is getting huge promotions. We play with Windowpane and Underride. Be at the club @ 9:00pm. It may sell out. Guaranteed fun and kick ass music! Yeeeeeeeeeee Haaaaaaaaawwwwwwwww!

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Hey Rick..where are you guys playing at? Id like to head on out and see ya! Im a Seattle local and miss seeing killer Seattle bands..LOL


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Hey Jon,

I hope you can make it up here for the show on the 25th. We are going to be pushing the Local Commotion CD big time. This show will have all the important people in the music business attending.and This could be a very good thing for all the Local Commotion bands. How about this? Let's have the bands here help get you to Seattle to promote the CD? Im sure the bands won't mind putting up 30-50 bucks or so to get you to Seattle to promote the shit out of the CD they are on? Faceless is in. We will contribute $50.00 for your ticket. We appreciate all the hard work you do on this site and getting our music out to the world. Getting you to Seattle is an opportunity that can't be missed. Seriously, you will be doing this site and bands on it a HUGE favor! Good luck and hope to see you on Friday.