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RMA Rough Rider Association Message Forum

The purpose of this forum is to provide a forum for cadets and friends of Roosevelt Military Academy to renew and maintain friendships and to post information of interest to the RMA Community. There are no restrictions on topics for discussion. We just ask that everyone keep their notes polite and civil. Don't forget to include a subject to your message.

RMA Rough Rider Association Message Forum
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Re: RMA Bumper Stickers UP DATE

Just an up date on our Bumper Sticker project. We are now one fourth of the way to our goal of $1,000 so keep the orders coming in.
And do not forget that as of 31 October 07 and thru the upcoming get together next August in Chicago the bumper stickers will cost you $10.00 each
I have hung mine on the wall (in a picture frame) with the rest of my RMA mementoes, where is yours???
And don't forget to get to me your ideas on JUST what type of a RMA statue/Memorial you would like to see. Billy Reid Class of 64 and the famened Barbarian also of Class 64 are comming up with some great ideas and support.
So, lets hear from the rest of the ALUMNI, if you attended RMA for at least one day (and wore the Cadet uniform) YOU have a say in this project.
ACE - 64