Hello, I am researching the Patterson, Proctor & Toogood surnames. Patterson & Proctors are involved in the Iron Ore industry in the 1700-1800's and early 1900's. Sometimes a Calimer-Calaman-Coloman is also part of the family. I believe most of them are from Washington & Frederick County Maryland, but I do know that Patterson & Proctors moved west from the Frederick area to Washington County, PA & Eastern Ohio area. I believe they might have worked at the Iron Furnaces along the way. The Toogood name plays a significant role in the family history if I have the right people connected but at this point, I am trying to prove that to be the case. I am interested in knowing if there are any of the above-mentioned surnames in Mt. Savage area. One other important note is that these people were either mulatto or black.
Thanks for your inquiry. Those names do not ring a bell. I've traced Mt Savage history thru Newspapers and books and haven't seen those names. It doesn't mean that they weren't here at some point. Black folks were not common in the Mt Savage area. There were a few. One fellow was a barber, but I have no name. Do you know a Ron Claggett ? He's a black fellow that lives here at present. Sorry I couldn't help more.
Thank you for your response. I appreciate the time you took to answer me.
As for knowing Ron Claggett, I do not know him. My husband fiddles with his family history sometimes. He's not as dedicated as much. He has found that his 8th great-grandfather was the first Arch Diocese of Maryland.
If Ron is working on his family history and might want to collaborate with my husband you may pass on my email address and I will give it to my husband.
I have one line of African American ancestry, but my husband hasn't found any so far.