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Whats on your mind in Mt Savage !
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Johnstown PA genealogy

Has anyone considered how many people migrated from Mt Savage to Johnstown PA in mid 1800's - early 1900's? I am doing research and uncovering death certificates posted on Ancestry.com with a large number of Mt Savage born connections! Has anyone reached out to anyone in that area associated with the Historical Society there?

Re: Johnstown PA genealogy

I have been examining the Mt Savage to Johnstown movement as well. There is a Garrity and Doran connection in the genealogy of Johnstown for our family. I am happy to share any information I may have. Just send along an email!

Re: Johnstown PA genealogy

I am very anxious to talk to you as I have been researching the Patrick Garrity family tree for at least 25 years! Have visited Mt Savage's Catholic church and cemeteries looking for evidence of Patrick Garrity's death but found 0. Please contact me.
linda g.