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RMA Rough Rider Association Message Forum

The purpose of this forum is to provide a forum for cadets and friends of Roosevelt Military Academy to renew and maintain friendships and to post information of interest to the RMA Community. There are no restrictions on topics for discussion. We just ask that everyone keep their notes polite and civil. Don't forget to include a subject to your message.

RMA Rough Rider Association Message Forum
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Hello Bob from Bob: Recieved a card in todays mail reference the up-coming all class reunion in August, I wish I could make the trip but health and distance will not allow me to do that. I attended RMA in 1936,1937 and 38, stayed in both North Barracks and in Niles Hall, was active on the basketball team and also active on the "Slab". Col. Glen Milliken was one of my school instructors. As I rcall a Col. Stofford or Soufford was head of the Academy and a Major Rudolph was commandant of Cadets and lived in North Barracks with his wife. I played the drums and did so marching from the barracks to chow in the basement of the admin building . I have some fond memories of RMA . I was living in Niles Hall when Orson Wells came out with his "War of The Worlds broadcast", think that was in 1937 or 38, scared the hell out of all of us, as it did many others LOL.. My favorite place was the rec room in the basement of North Barracks, , table tennis and billiard table back then. Srry I will be unable to make the all class reunion, also I did not graduate from RMA, my home was in chicago at the time and I spent my Junior year at Carl Schurz Hiigh School in Chicago, graduated from high School in 1941 and went into the Marine Corps shortly after Pearl Harbor. I have a photo taken of me and a friend taken in front of Niles Hall in 1937, will try to find it and e-mail a copy to you. Best Regards, James R. (Bob) Bazet