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Lady Literature's InnerSunrise Celebrating Light Love and Laughter

Welcome Friend, Welcome Traveler! Selam! Shalom! Slainte (Keltik selam)! Welcome! Hos geldin Arkadas, Hos Geldin Yolcu! We hope you enjoy the time you spend in our intercultural art, music, and literary world, and leave us your thoughts and impressions, like a carving upon an ancient rock, to be seen by other fellow travelers, well into the future! Umariz ki interkulturel sanat, muzik, ve edebiyat sitemize ziyaretiniz sizi memnun edecek. Lutfen burada duygularinizi, dusuncelerinizi, filozofinizi, bir agaca yazmis gibi, yazip ekleyin ki baska Arkadaslar ve Yolcular sonsuzluga dek okusunlar. We are all Bani Adam, sons & daughters of Adam - (hepmiz Bani Ademin cocuklariyiz) we are in this world but not of it. And it is about time to not only develop a global but a cosmic consciousness. As far as I am concerned, it isn't that important where one was born but how one lives. In our personal case the cookie crumbled this way that we were formed by various countries, cultures, faiths - some of them more in harmony with our essential being than others. However, all of them having left marks on us and made us into what I' m now: "Neither of the East nor the West, but of the World!"

Lady Literature's InnerSunrise Celebrating Light Love and Laughter
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Call for entries - emerging artists

Blitz Contemporary Art Gallery invites emerging visual artists to submit work for the Blitz International New Talent Exhibition. This is a juried competition with cash prizes and a solo exhibition for best in show. Approximately 100 works will be selected and shown in a group exhibition in the gallery in Bruges, Belgium during April 2006.

Bruges is a picturesque medieval city and Europe's top third short break destination after Paris and Amsterdam.

1st Prize Euro 1000 and solo exhibition
2nd Prize Euro 500
3rd Prize Euro 250

Entry fee Euro 35.
Deadline 31st January 2006.

For more information see