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Kerr / Buggs Island Visitors Fishing Reports

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Kerr / Buggs Island Visitors Fishing Reports
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Kerr trip 4/13-4/15

Well, guys we didnt end up as succesfull as last year. Water temps were in the mid 60's and water was 2' lower.

4/13 - we fished search baits on the deeper creek channels in Grassy. Did fish on the purple ghost X-Rap, Tennessee Shad Norman deep crankbait on some rip-rap, and a spinnnerbait. Found bucks in main lakes bays cruising and tending to beds with no females in sight.

4/14 - Fished a Carolina Rig most of the day and ended up with 3 keepers. We figured we would chase the females still hanging in deeper water waiting to find a buck already in the bays. Biggest we landed ended up being 3lbs, which came off a main lake point with a 6" lizard. Next fish was also main lake with a Carolina rigges french fry and the third came from Bluestone on a Carolina rigged french fry. The FF also took many 6-10' fish. We got into some great Carppie on this day. 4 of them were over a lb, which is big to us NY'ers! Those same bucks had now paired up with some of the females that moved up during the night.

4/15 - Again we started with the main lake ponis, but went at the LM with shaky heads with 4" worms. These caught many small fish with only 1 or 2 keepers. Shot up into grassy and Popped a couple more on the shaky head and another on a Carolina rigged FF.

Love the secenary on the lake and cant wait to come back in the future. We will try to keep it a March trip next time!