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Kerr / Buggs Island Visitors Fishing Reports

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Kerr / Buggs Island Visitors Fishing Reports
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Fished Gaston the last 7 days straight, the bass are on the beds (a good portion of them), they are spawning on stumps and under boat docks, floater worms and senko's have been the best. If you have a favorite stump or dock "let the bait soak a while". The worst day I have had is 7 bass over 14"(20 in the 12"to 13-63/64" range. Every day I have caught at least 1 over 5 lbs. My best day was yesterday, caught 23 bass over 14" and couldn't keep track of the one's under, biggest was 8lb 7oz and had a 6lb 4oz also, their tales are bloody and they are definitely oozing fertilizer.