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Kerr / Buggs Island Visitors Fishing Reports
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Staunton River Smallies

When you guys are putting in at Long Island, do you take out again there or float down to Brookneal? What type of boat, raft, canoe are you using? Seeking any an all input on what sounds like a great fishery. Thanks.

Re: Staunton River Smallies

Alot of people put in at L. island and take out at brookneal. At long island there are 5 different fingers/splits in river, boys have really caught smallies in all of them. careful not to stay too long at fingers- darkness might catch up with ya. alot of good fishing to hit in one day. some of the river is breath-taking good luck and GOD BLESS!

Re: Staunton River Smallies

Almost forgot, It's best to use a canoe,and tie equip. down couple of tricky places on down.