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Kerr / Buggs Island Visitors Fishing Reports
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1995 Evinrude

I have an alarm problem with my 28hp. l995, 2 stroke
evinrude. It just starter. I don't use the pontoon
very often, has been sitting in the water since
April. I had it service before placing in the water.
I read the owner manual & it indicates I have a
over heating problem. The alarm only comes on a
low speed or idle. It was in the lake during all
the muddy water we had this spring. Is there anything
I can clean to insure that something is not blocked
in the water induction system. I always leave the engine down, when docked. Should I raise the engine
with the prop out of the water? The water stream
from the engine seems strong, like it always was.
Mabey, there is another reason for the alarm problem.
If you have experienced this problem and can give me
any advice, I would appreciate it.


Re: 1995 Evinrude

Maybe the alarm is just bad,i had to replace one last year that was stuck.Or maybe if it's oil injected,the oil reservior is low.

Re: 1995 Evinrude


Re: 1995 Evinrude

How long since you replaced the water pump impeller? If it is going bad or missing some lobes, it can overheat at idle speed.

Re: 1995 Evinrude

sounds like bad sensor (temp).can never hurt to change the water pump any how

Re: 1995 Evinrude

I agree with ru if the motor was left in the water all dirt and sand washed into the lower unit water pick-up and has damaged the impeller, it's only made of rubber like a spider coupling in a lovejoy coupling.You have to remove the lower unit to check most dealers say replce every two years depending on type of water you run in rivers, etc.May be wrong just something to check.

Re: 1995 Evinrude

If you have a good water stream, you may just have a bad thermostat (if equipped) or temp sending unit. A repair manual from Overtons or West Marine would be a good place to start if you're planning on keeping the motor. There are some simple tests to check engine temp and sending unit. You can't go wrong replacing the water pump but that still may not fix your problem.