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Kerr / Buggs Island Visitors Fishing Reports

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Kerr / Buggs Island Visitors Fishing Reports
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Coming from Maryland this friday, can anyone help me with some advice on were the bass are,what to throw and which area to fish,grassy,nutbush or occ.My son is coming with me so any help would be more than helpful as we don't usually fish Buggs this time of year.

Re: Bass

try fishing some points on the main channel.w/jigs or carolina rigged worms in 8 to 15 ft.maybe deeper since its been so hot.maybe a little topwater early and late.crankin a deepdiver works good if you don't mind a little shad patterns.

Re: Bass

Bass bite has really slowed up for me this past week. I'm fishing mainly in Nutbush, around Satterwhite and Bullocksville. I had been having luck on texas rigs, c-rigs and crankbaits the past couple weeks, but this week heat has turned them off I guess. I was picking them up anywhere from right on the bank out to 10' - 12' using junebug or purple worms and lizards. Had been having luck both on main lake points and secondary points back in the bigger coves first light and right around dusk. Still getting bit some, but not like it was, and fish are getter smaller. Hope this helps. Good luck and let us know how you make out.