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Kerr / Buggs Island Visitors Fishing Reports

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Kerr / Buggs Island Visitors Fishing Reports
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I feed my fish in my pond floating fish pellets and my blue catfish comes to the top to eat. I never see any flatheads though. Does anyone know if the flatheads will ever come to the top to feed? I have about thirty blues between three and fifteen pd.s that will come to the top. Thanks .

Re: flatheads

Anything is possible but from experience you catch more flatsa on live bait than something like dough etc.they like live bait so they are probably eating the fish that are eating the pellets!

Re: flatheads

For 100% sure they will eat it after they discover it until they get "just so" big. After they reach a certain size I dunno but I'm pretty sure they woul no longer eat it as they'd prefer live fodder....jfo