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Kerr / Buggs Island Visitors Fishing Reports

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Kerr / Buggs Island Visitors Fishing Reports
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Anybody spoting gar out there in recent days? Its been really hot and they should really be up, but with the water levels low, their locations are varied.

Any help in location spottings are appreciated.

Re: bowfishing

I've seen a lot of them in the river neer Milton while striper fishing. They usually come up at the end of the striper run.

Re: bowfishing

I was fishing in Grassy yesterday for bass-saw four to five cruising the bank

Re: bowfishing

I saw about 6-7 in a school in the shallows on Sunday. Then yesterday, I went to Staunton View for a peek in and there was a guy with some kind of bow and arrow shooting into the water I am assuming at garfish. It was new to me, I had never seen that before...

Re: bowfishing

Saw a school of four Gar, each over 4 feet long, yesterday afternoon around 5:00pm in the back of Beaverpond Creek. There were also several others working bait right at the shoreline in 2-3 feet of water. Big Fish!