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Kerr / Buggs Island Visitors Fishing Reports

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Kerr / Buggs Island Visitors Fishing Reports
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Hello one and all,

When it was posted that the old forum was coming to an end, many of you expressed your concerns on the loss of the information that has been posted over the years. Yes, we agree with you that it would be a great loss for everyone.

Wanda has given permission we are now going to make every effort to archive the truly worthy topics.

It would not have been fair for only a couple of people to pick and choose on this task. So we are asking you to research the one’s you feel should be archived. Keep in mind that there are only 79 pages and 3910 topics going back to May 2005.

Try keeping it to the last 15 months of topics that are “on track”

The archiving will be done by overall most requested. It will be open for the next 2 weeks. This will give enough time to transfer before this information is lost forever at the end of this month. And still keep the original format as close as possible.

Here is the link to the forum after it closes Sunday;

Please e-mail archive requests to

Once again you are the reason there is a forum.