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Kerr / Buggs Island Visitors Fishing Reports
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Re: fish eggs?

I was curious, so I looked around and I found this on a TVA newsletter: The answer is “bryozoans,”
According to TVA staff members,
who frequently receive such
inquiries from reservoir users, it
usually goes something like,
“What’s that big glob of slimy
stuff stuck under my dock?” or
“What’s that jelly-like blob I saw
attached to some twigs under
the water?”
Bryozoans are tiny, harmless
aquatic animals. They don’t bite
or sting. The gelatinous, oftentranslucent
mass sometimes
spotted in TVA reservoirs is the
external skeleton of a bryozoan
colony. Sort of like hornets attach
their nests to tree branches,
bryozoans attach themselves to
whatever is handy underwater to
build their colony. Colonies can
range from the size of a marble
with a few dozen inhabitants up
to a mass the size of a honeydew
melon that contains many
thousand individuals.
If you spot a bryozoan colony
clinging to your dock, don’t
remove it. These little-known
and harmless creatures are an
important part of the Valley’s
diverse aquatic ecosystem.