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Kerr / Buggs Island Visitors Fishing Reports

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Kerr / Buggs Island Visitors Fishing Reports
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Tough weekend on Kerr

Tried trolling from Dam area to Bouy 5. Marked just scattered fish and no real schools. Thought I was going to have to turn the fish finder on Simulation mode to see anything at times. Ended up catching 1 14-15" striper and thats it. If I were going to try angain tommorrow I beleave I would try up Nutbush. Hope this report helps someone

Re: Tough weekend on Kerr

tried livebait sunday.caught 20 incher at palmers point at first light.then tried the dam,1 little catfish.then tried eastland area,1 little catfish.then tried powerline area,1 little catfish.then made it home safely.good day!

Re: Tough weekend on Kerr

I got at county line ramp at 8.00am,unloaded and started heading toward the main lake buoy 4-5 and dam
but never made it,i do believe the 5 mph winds were more like 15-20,too heavy of waves for my little 15' bass boat,so i turned around headed back to ramp loaded up and put in at bullocksville went up to buoy h and used hopkins spoons drifting back to ramp,had two on but lost both before i could get them back to the boat,as the day wore on winds even picked up in there,time for a larger boat!By the way depthfinder went on the blink also,only worked in simulator mode,guess i have a cord,transducer problem.