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Kerr / Buggs Island Visitors Fishing Reports

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Kerr / Buggs Island Visitors Fishing Reports
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Mayo Report#2

For those of you who doubt that fishDOC is the real thing - he got to use his surgical skills on me while fishing the Mayo Bass tournament today. A little LMB (I thought of it as a SOB'nLMB) had the lure come partially free - free enough to shoot one of the treble over half way thru my finger. The Doc got the fish off first (the fish said he didn't feel a thing) then pushed it the rest of the way thru my finger and cut off the barb. (too far to use the string removal method). The fish is happy (he got even), I'm happy (a little pain for a few seconds but no ER visit) and Fishdoc was happy to help out as usual. - It was a great day (as reported in FISHDOC's post) for catching decent bass.