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new message board comming?

Changes to this one upcomming? Stricter rules so the trash talkers will be gone and no postings under someone elses name, other changes also??? Your feedback is welcome.

Re: new message board comming?

The only problem I see with the message board is " Posting under someone elses name ". Otherwise I enjoy the board just as it is.
Who would determine what is trash and who are the trash talkers ? As the saying goes ( one man's trash is another man's treasure.
Just my opinion.

Re: new message board comming?

Thanks just fishing for opinions. It is not etched in stone as of yet. However it takes time and effort to remove and block postings and some postings here are being investigated as to slander so some controls may be comming.

Re: new message board comming?

great, Is this becasue of Sal and his freinds? I'm so sick of that guys posts. Why don't you ban him now?


Re: new message board comming?

In my opinion this board is a great thing and I appreciate and enjoy the opportunity to read and post on it.
It would be a shame for one or two " BONE HEADS " to mess it up for everyone else.

Re: new message board comming?

I am all for a "just fishing" type forum.But in the same sense,i am not in favor of any kind of censorship.I say let Freedom of Speech work it's way through.

I have never posted under anyone elses name and don't intend to.You log the IP's so anybody with a little eye sight can see the difference.

Re: new message board comming?

Hey guys I have been the victim of the Sals/Sals Buddy duo on both occasions. It really upsets me to be singled out for challenging their motives for deceiving the honest guys that I so enjoy exchanging info with. What happened to them they can only blame themselves for posting threats and slurs to cause hard feelings under someone else's name. The only thing I can think of would be a password log on issued by or approved by our admin then you keep the bad guys off. One violation of the rules and you are gone. Hope we can have a system that all the good & honest guys can enjoy in the future as the past. Smiles. G

Re: new message board comming?

one way to stop people from posting under other poeple names is you would have to make the forum user register as in... user name and a password.
just my 2 cents worth have sub-forums one for
each species of fish bass,crappie,catfish,stripers etc. and have a general forum for everything else.
just a idea. yes i do enjoy the forum as it is,if changes need to be made to better the message board i am all for it..

Re: new message board comming?

glenn you and i are thinking the have taken a few blows on this forum along with a few others..

Re: new message board comming?

majorcatfish << Thats the direction its headed as of now. Glenn I think you are correct, now when we gonna go fishen??
More comments welcome.

Re: new message board comming?

I am ready, ready if I can get the Bride headed in that direction!!!!!!! Smiles, G

Re: new message board comming?

The having to register is a good way to keep folks from posting under someone elses name. Now the whole monitoring of trash talking is a hard thing. I was a moderator for a message forum and the hardest thing for me was deciding what was trash and did not deserve to be on the board. As a 19 year Navy guy, I very much believe in voicing your opinions. But there has to be a fine line somewhere between opinion and trash. And not everyone is going to agree where a moderator draws that line. Its not a pretty job, but I do think it has to be done to keep out the bottom feeders. (no offense to the cat fisherman.) Just trying to make a lame joke. Either way I'll still be lurking on here soaking up the info ya'll put out.

Dan Dickerson

Re: new message board comming?

I agree with much of what has been posted previously, I like the idea of having to register to post, it takes a few seconds/ minutes at most. This is a free site us and should be used for the most obvious reasons. Some will post their opinions in a more rash manners than others. My personal opinion of the matter is that as long as it doesn't get personal to a point of bashing ones name or making threats of harm, it shouldn't be so bad. Heck you guys could call me whatever I am sure I have been called worse and I probably don't know anyone here personally so that makes it easier to take with a grain of salt. Just my .02

Re: new message board comming?

Leave it alone please, that means no banning (unless it is a sexually explict comment or link ect), no signing in ect. Dang you VA guys just love this stuff are you using your traffic laws for a model of how to run a website? Anyways,if pay attention you can tell who is who or whois, and you can always just ignore the idiots. Sal was an idiot and I ignored him, but he did make me laugh.

If you want a your catfishing website with strict rules and regs go to the BOC. Grow up kids and stop trying to ban things that make you mad.

Re: new message board comming?

Take the stars out of the little black box so you can make out the letters you have to type in to post a message.

Re: new message board comming?

Just to clear it up a little not censored but to keep someone from posting under someone else's name and to eliminate the "it is on" postings. For me and someone else to disagree on here would be ok, to post adv here not ok, calling someone or all of us names not allowed. Maybe just two removals of your postings and then you are banned and that ip is banned as well.
Your replys are welcome positive or negative about this but with the above "rules" how would you like to see it changed? Now one thing more Glenn and I were ask for info so this posting and replys will be reviewed by the webmaster. Why us because we have the time to do this and she works a regular job and time is short for her,married,work,cooking,cleaning you know running a house as well.

Re: new message board comming?

What will you do to the people who advertise on this site?Repairs,boats for sale etc.?Will they get banned since they have broken the rules of the board?You already have the power to delete certain post.I dont see what registering will accomplish.Am i missing something here?Is there a fine line i'm not seeing?

Re: new message board comming?

Hate to tell you, but there is no way to get rid of trolls, or echo-makers as I have coined them. An echo-maker posts something inflamatory, then sits back and waits for the echo in the form of defensive responses, all the while laughing the whole time. Banning IP addresses is not going to work. Most ISP's have a dynamic IP assignment system, so there may be different IP for a legitimate person time and again. Making a log-in based board might help some, but even the most rookie of posters can get around that. How hard is it to login from any wireless hotspot, or a different computer, each with different names and post some trash? Its actually quite simple, and there is no way to prevent trash posting like that other than real-time moderators. However, real-time moderators always bring up the issue of censorship, because many moderators get on a power trip, and also moderation of speech is subjective, period. Anyway, this place is like Candy Land. Sac-up and deal with it. You cannot win the Internet. The best way forward here is to NEVER respond to a troll's fishing expedition, and email the Admin as soon as you see the derogatory post. Ask that the thread be deleted. However, some trolls simply post threads in hopes that they do get deleted in the first place. Good luck.


The Rev.

Re: new message board comming?

The Rev. When you have a spare moment log onto and click on the heading Troll Eradication. There are ways to prevent/protect your site. Hope this may help you. Smiles. G

Re: new message board comming?

that was a very interesting web site, after reading found out that there is work place trolls were i work as well, thank you for opening my eyes..

Re: new message board comming?

I aggree with The_REV. Leave it alone. You will have to do more than make users create a user name and password to keep banned people out. You would probably have to require an email address and then after the email is returned to the user, he would have to authenticate to have his user account created. You will end up with a board of just a few die hard locals and the reason for the board would be lost.

Re: new message board comming?

Make it a pay site.That way if i get my feelings hurt,i can blame no one but myself.I even paid to have it done.