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Kerr / Buggs Island Visitors Fishing Reports
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Carolina Beach Fishing

I am going down to Carolina Beach in a week and was wondering if anyone has any suggestions regarding surf fishing. Can you fish big spoons or maybe swimbaits? I dont want to go through the hassle of shrimp, live bait, etc... Just want to go out in the early am and throw some type of artificial lures around for an hour or so. Any feedback, help or ideas would be appreciated.


Re: Carolina Beach Fishing

If you read some of these post it may be helpful.

Re: Carolina Beach Fishing

1/4 thru 3/4 oz. jig heads with flukes, super flukes or grubs have done me well for trout, blues, puppy drum and flounder. I have done well with straight white or white with pink tails. I go every fall and that's all I use. The bigger jigs for heavier surf. Good luck!

Re: Carolina Beach Fishing

Awesome man. Thank you very much for the information. When you say flukes, how big are they length wise? Also, do you kind of hop them or cast them out and retrieve them steadily?


Re: Carolina Beach Fishing

I have not been recently, but I have always had great success with the lures called "Gotcha." I think you can find them at Walmart and most tackle shops. Chrome, white/red, chartreuse, they all seem to work depending on overcast some better than others.
Good luck, wish I was going.

Re: Carolina Beach Fishing

I started using the smaller 4" flukes in pearl, but have recently switched to the bigger super flukes - the ones with the belly - I think they're 5". I've been using 4" grubs too. Every year it seems there is a hot color - but you can't go wrong with the white and white/pink as far as I'm concerned. Take plenty of grubs because if you get into the taylor blues, they'll bite your tails off. As far as retrieves go, same as fresh water - try different methods. Steady swimming or the lift and drop. I can't wait until November now that you've got me thinking about it!

Re: Carolina Beach Fishing


Your best bet is the " Gotcha plug ". Cast it out and retrieve it with a fast jerking motion.( Bluefish & Spanish Mackerel ). The 3/4 oz Hopkins is also a good choice. Retrieve it fast also, it needs to imitate a fleeing baitfish.
The green or white grubs are good also but the Blues & spanish will destroy them.
Mid October thru December is the best time for surf fishing.
Good luck

Re: Carolina Beach Fishing

You guys usually use some kind of braided line when surf fishing like this or mono? What size can I use and still cast a good ways out there? Are those Gotcha plugs available at most fishing places around the beach? Are they crankbaits or topwater plugs?


Re: Carolina Beach Fishing

The Gatcha plug is pencil shaped usually with 2 trebble hooks and a lead head. From 2 to 5 inches long.
I use 12 to 14 lb mono but braid should be ok also. I also use a 12 in wire or steel leader.
As soon as it hits the water start your retrieve with a fast jerking motion.
One reason I like 12 to 14 lb is that with lighter line sometimes when you cast, the line will pop and your Gotcha plug will keep going
Good luck on your trip and I hope this info helps.

Re: Carolina Beach Fishing

This website has some pics of Gotcha plugs

Re: Carolina Beach Fishing


Most if not all of the Bait & tackle stores at the coast will have the Gotcha plug. Bass Pro shop has it also.

Re: Carolina Beach Fishing

just got back from carolina beach on sunday and there were very few if any fish being caught on surf or pier. saw a few small sharks caught(12 inches or so)

Re: Carolina Beach Fishing is the NC Marine Resources Fishing report, and there is other good info and links there. I use 8lb test on a 7' medium action spinning rod with a Penn 4500 when I go grubbing. I double up my line with a spider hitch to make a 10 or 12' leader. I will use a bigger rig to throw bottom rigs.