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Kerr / Buggs Island Visitors Fishing Reports

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Kerr / Buggs Island Visitors Fishing Reports
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How fish solve the light penetration puzzle

Had a great time on the water with fishdoc this week. I think we spent as much time analyzing fish migration and behavior as we did fishing. In addition, he kept me in stitches - just about the time we wore out the serious aspects of locating and catching fish, he would indulge me with some tidbits of fishing wisdom. The one I remember best - as we discussed the aspects of light penetration on fish location, he advised me that only those fish that had found sunglasses dropped by anglers over the side of the boat would break the pattern. These are very special fish indeed. Otherwise, you'd best pay close attention to light penetration if you want to find the fish. Thanks fishdoc for a great day on the water!