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Kerr / Buggs Island Visitors Fishing Reports

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Kerr / Buggs Island Visitors Fishing Reports
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Does anyone know where i may could net some shad at near the dan river.


You can get onsies/twosies off the rocks across from staunton state park and staunton view. In the throat of the Dan before you get to where Peter creek splits there are some good rock/willow spots on the staunton park side as well. I don't know where to make a one-throw-and-go right now so for me I just pay the dues and plan 1-2 hours to get good bait...jfo


get out there in the dark and shine a light on the water to attract them and then toss your net


Better yet purchase a green light and hang over the boat, but enough weight to the light so that it floats with the surface. Works best with two people one on front of boat and one on rear, drape lead line over side of boat and both persons on count of three throw the top of the net like a bed spread. Have netted 300 shad in one drop like this. But typically will take 3 to 4 drops to get approximately 100 decent size bait. Works best is 20 to 30 feet of water.

Texas Wrangler