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Kerr / Buggs Island Visitors Fishing Reports

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Kerr / Buggs Island Visitors Fishing Reports
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Job well done

Glad to hear Carl and Iris are doing ok.What very thoughtful thing that was that you all did for them.Not many people left in this world like the folks that had a hand in it.My hat is off to you all.Job well done.

How is the other Carl doing?Wasn't he in a wreck also?Did he make it to the benefit?

Re: Job well done

Hey everyone!
Carl & Iris are doing better. They came out to the benefit last weekend for a while just before we launched. We had a productive fund raiser for them. It was really nice to see the everyone come out for the event on their behalf.
Thanks goes out to everyone who put this one together, the sponsors and individuals that donated and the community that came together to raise up a fallen fishermen and his wife in their time of need!

The other Carl was there. It seemed he was doing fine. Not in a accident, caught some gunfire on the hwy. somewhere is what I was told?