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Kerr / Buggs Island Visitors Fishing Reports

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Kerr / Buggs Island Visitors Fishing Reports
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When are they having the fireworks at Satterwhite Point this year, or did I miss it already? In Greenwood Indiana they had theirs saturday night. With the 4th being mid-week this year and most folks like me only get 1 day off just curious what that was doing to the annual tradition. Thanks

Re: fireworks?

Satterwhite point fireworks on 7/7 and Clarksville Lakefest is on 7/21....Drive your boats with courtesy on both nights, bee careful & enjoy the fun...jfo

Re: fireworks?


Re: fireworks?

No problem. Remember enforcement is at peak during these events so be sure and have those pfd's, fire extinguishers, running lights etc in good shape. Remember to turn on your anchor light when anchored and remember to turn on the running lights if you don't have an anchor out. Sunset is at 8:36 on the 7th and 8:29 on the 21st so Jetski's would be illegal after that with our without lights. These, reckless driving, and alcohol are the items I've personally seen ticketed the most. Everybody bee safe, the fireworks from the water are just wonderful...jfo

Re: fireworks?

Everybody enjoy the fireworks at Satterwhite tonite!
Be careful, yield to other boats, please don't drink & drive. Remember the jackets on the kiddies, use the right lighting, have the right cushions/PFD's, check that extinguisher & it because we need to anyway AND to avoid a ticket. See you on the water, fireworks on the water are very cool IMHO....jfo

Re: fireworks?

Back to top. Everybody have a safe time tonite at the Clarksville fireworks...jfo