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Kerr / Buggs Island Visitors Fishing Reports
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New Rules and Swimming

So, if you can only swim in designated swimming areas, does that mean I can't anchor the pontoon boat and jump in? Sounds silly, but where does the jurisdiction begin and end?

Re: New Rules and Swimming

Do these rules apply to Kerr lake? Is it a State park? Or do the rules only apply within Occonechee Park, Staunton River Park ETC?

Re: New Rules and Swimming

I was told by a park ranger last summer to think of imaginary lines in the water that designated swimming from boating areas. As silly as this sounds I found out first hand that they can come up with some s#!$.
What if my imaginary lines are different than his? I have no problem obeying the rules, but don't burn my ears up when imaginary lines are involved

Re: New Rules and Swimming

Just go ahead and swim wherever you like,you might not get hit by a boat,fined or drown but you will get cooled down some I expect!

Re: New Rules and Swimming

Here's another thought about swimming in the Lake. As triathletes, my son and I swim at Kerr lake, in open water, about one mile each time, for several weeks leading up to a triathlon. Now we usually have a friend in a support boat, or Kayak, very close by. This is mainly because we recognize that we are not very visible to boaters, and we stay parallel, and pretty close to a shoreline.
If we get stopped and fined, I'll let you know. But I don't think we will stop, until that happens.

Re: New Rules and Swimming

I think these rules apply only when using a state facility. If you could not swim then no one would be skiing,tubing or wake boarding. Unless you are a pro and can take off from the bank and return without getting in the water. I've seen some pretty good videos on those who have tried. Most of these rules are not new. If you check the paper work when you check into a campsite most of these rules are already in place. I sure they only use most of them when someone complains about another camper, or the campers are having too much fun and are out if control.