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New Traffic Civil Remedial Fees

Watch your driving .... New Traffic Fees that are effective 7/1/07.

Comments????? Let your State Representatives know how you feel.

New Traffic Civil Remedial Fees

Re: New Traffic Civil Remedial Fees

Wow. It looks like Virginia is going to start cashing in on some of the horrible driving thats going on.

Re: New Traffic Civil Remedial Fees

I think most of these fees are outrageous. Law enforcements job is to enforce the law, now generating a revenue stream for these idiot politicians.

Re: New Traffic Civil Remedial Fees

If the extra fees are good for VA citizens, why are they not good for visitors? It is a tax.

Running from the cops = $1000
Driving a school bus without a lic = $300
Driving a school bus without proper safety device = $300
Failure to yield to someone with a cane = $300

Who are these fees protecting? Another tax is all it is.

Re: New Traffic Civil Remedial Fees

It is going to create a vicious cycle IMHO. The people that can least afford the ridiculous fines are exactly the ones that are going to receive them. Then if they can't/don't pay them, they lose their Driver's License. Then they can't get to work, or it will become so difficult to get to work that they will eventually lose their jobs. See where this is heading? They will then turn to "other means" of support as they have to have shelter, food and other basics. There are astronomical #s of drivers driving on a Suspended or Revoked OL now, just listen to someone's scanner for a few hours one night between 17:00-22:00 and you'll hear it! Thank you Liberals, you have really accomplished something here! Shoot me in the foot too while yur at it? The DUI crackdown I support 100%, $3000+ fine, automatic loss of license 1st offense, VASAP time and cost, whatever. OK I'm off my soapbox now!

Re: New Traffic Civil Remedial Fees

Civil Remediation is garbage and so are the guys who dreamed it up. The only positive side of it is its application to DUI's. Hopefully it will keep some of these repeat bozo's off the road when they drink.

VA is getting OUTRAGEOUS when it comes to taxation and fees. I'm in Lynchburg, and we already pay 11 or 12% tax when we eat out, pay for garbage pickup, pay real estate taxes that are nearly double the surrounding counties, personal property taxes that are higher than other locales, and now this crap. Not to mention ramped up DMV fees such as paying extra every year for having a personalized plate. Give me a break. It upsets me when I see our gov't always trying to dip into hard working people's pockets. Yeah, I know you got that group of people who say "well don't break the law and you won't have to worry about this", well sometimes $hit happens to good people and you're on the wrong end of it. It happens to the best of us. But to create a hardship on your citizens for non serious offenses is just not right.

I agree with Linesider about the vicious cycle. I've seen it happen to some of my friends. This will just make it worse.

Re: New Traffic Civil Remedial Fees

There is nothing on that list that really bothers me except that it doesn't apply to non-VA residents.

Re: New Traffic Civil Remedial Fees

Heres a simple solution for everyone about the new law with emphasis put on the SIMPLE part,do not break the law and you will not get a ticket and have to pay a fine to begin with,drive defensively and watch what you are doing.Yes theres a whole lot of revoked and suspended drivers for the pure reason they broke a traffic law,drove without insurance or something else stupid to begin with.Police Offficers are there to ENFORCE the laws,if you do not like the police doing their jobs or the legislators doing theirs then just do away with the whole system and revert to lawless frontierism again.I would like to see how everyone felt about the police and laws if for a whole month the laws were not enforced and no one was arrested for breaking any law,the criminals could just go and do what they wanted without getting locked up,I guess things would be different and there would be a different tune being sung,maybe police would get paid what the job was really worth for real but I guess someone would whine about their taxes some more,its a vicous little circle that started with or in many cases without a vote.

Re: New Traffic Civil Remedial Fees

People please!!!!!!!!!!!!! You need to do some background before you start to make comments about law enforcement and these new fees. You need to take a look at what types of offenses the fees will be applied to. It is not your simple speeding tickets. It deals with serious driving offenses. Not traffic infractions. I'm a police officer myself and I don't agree with it only appling to VA residents, but it is a civil penalty and you can't enforce civil fees outside the state. You gotta realize that the offenses that these fees are going to be applied to are the offenses that cause the good drivers insurance to increase. Examples: DUI, Driving Suspended. This is just my two cents.

Re: New Traffic Civil Remedial Fees

Who says you can't collect civil fees outside the commonwealth? That is garbage. The reason they can't collect from out of towners is the way the idiot politicians set up the law. They made these fees part of the registration fees and you can't charge someone from out of state registratiion fees for Virginia.

Why not just execute the people for committing these offenses and take everything they own. After all, your "just doing your job"

This is a money grab pure and simple and the police have ZERO business being in the business of raising money for state roads. These laws will last about as long as it takes someone to challenge them in a court of law.

Mr. police officer, how long until you are told to ignore the out of towners and zero in on the in state people since the money you will collect is higher? How long until YOUR district gets more funding, raises, etc for writing more tickets that grab more money.

These BS "laws" will not hold up under the scrutiny of this little thing called the US Constitution. It is a blatant abuse of equal protection.

Re: New Traffic Civil Remedial Fees

BTW Mr Police officer, lets take a look at some of the insane fines people now face.

Rolling through a stop about an extra 350 bucks on top of the ticket.

Stop in front of your mailbox to get the mail and you get to write a ticket that charges the unsuspecting individual and extra 300 bucks...that's right folks, 300 bucks to get your mail.

How about "driving too fast for the conditions"...suddenly I bet that will get far less subjective as in the past.

The only thing these idiot politicians didn't say was "it's for the children"

Re: New Traffic Civil Remedial Fees

Well Mr. Former Camper, Not trying to change the way you feel, but. I hope that I just might be able to stop that car that just might be coming down the road DUI at 80-90mph just before you ROLL through that stop sign thats means STOP (nothing less-nothing more)and he tbones you in your driver's side door and then I have to go deliever a death notfication to your family. Secondly, stop being lazy and walk to your mailbox and get your mail. I am proud to enforce the laws that make VA Hwys safer. Imagine what your local and state taxes would be like if VA didn't collect fines from traffic law enforcement. Obey the law, keep your money. Break the law, pay up and stop crying! Thanks in advance to all you people that support what police officers do every day to make this state a safer place to live.

Re: New Traffic Civil Remedial Fees

I think next year we might get the law passed that allows the police officer to just pull you over and give you a cookie or sucker when you break the law.

Re: New Traffic Civil Remedial Fees

Well hell fire then if the police are not out to make money for the state or jurisdiction they work for then we just close up shop on writing tickets or enforcing the law all together,its the fines and court cost that keeps the legal system going isn't it?and its not like law abiding people getting stopped and issued a ticket just to raise a buck or two for the cause,the people who break the laws choose to do just that and they pay the piper for it get over it. Thanks for your comment Jerry.

Re: New Traffic Civil Remedial Fees

Everyone, find out who voted for this law, and vote their butts out of office, better yet send them a letter demanding repeal of this ???? law. Do not stand for such stuff, that is what the ballot box is for. If you do not speak what what will they pass next.

Re: New Traffic Civil Remedial Fees

Mr police officer, I can see your feathers are ruffled and that wasn't my intent. My intent is voice my displeasure with this obscene money grab from the politicians.

As for the DUI, the penalties couldn't be stiff enough as far as I am concerned. But to attach a $300.00 plus fine to something that can be as innocuous as rolling through a stop sign in the country where you can see for miles down the road chaps my butt and it should chap the butt of everyone in Virginia. There is NOTHING a judge can do once the ticket is written and that defies all common sense. I understand you will look at this through your blue tinted glasses and that is OK. Just understand what this is…a pathetic money grab from the idiots we keep electing.

Re: New Traffic Civil Remedial Fees

I have to agree this is totally going to far! I did not have a problem when they made it sound as if they were only trying to target Dui's felony evading, serious type of offenses. But when you start adding driving to fast for conditions which is or can be a personal judgement call at best, even down to lack of tread depth on your tires then it is becoming a state cash register. I hope that it get knocked down as unconstitutional on the basis that it does not treat all people driving in Va. on an equal basis. The penalties are much stiffer depending on where you live, sounds like discrimination to me if you reside within the borders of Va!

Re: New Traffic Civil Remedial Fees

Less fines, fees, rules and regs. We have enough already. Total bullcrap in IMO

Dear Commonwealth of Virgina



PS Stay out of NC we don't want that here. Nifong is enough

Re: New Traffic Civil Remedial Fees

i do not live in virginia, and i agree that these new laws are stupid and unfair however you look at them.the people who where involved in this scam should be removed from office.
this is my two cents worth....i would get everyone to send a tea bag to every politician with a note saying remember the boston tea party.

here is a news clip from usa today

Re: Re: New Traffic Civil Remedial Fees

I am glad to call NC home. Hope
ya'll work it out in Va.

Re: New Traffic Civil Remedial Fees


Re: New Traffic Civil Remedial Fees

Well what i see here has happened before in our country and has happened many other time in other civilizations. The powerful people are robing the common man of his money and freedom. The up point of the story is that the common men always overthrow the government and the enforcement. It happened with us and england, it happened with Constantinople, with Rome, with Greece, with Spain, and the list goes on. When central government rules the people instead of governing them the stakes flip and the people refuse that kind of treatment. Some people say I'm overreacting, but take a look at the history books. History repeats itself, and it is now

Re: New Traffic Civil Remedial Fees

Welcome to Russia...Comrades.We're all slaves to the government.

Re: New Traffic Civil Remedial Fees

Well today is July 1, 2007 and the first day of the new civil remedial fees. Went to Richmond today via 85. Set the cruise control at 65 and watch many out of state cars go wizzing by, as the few police cars I saw in the median didn't move. Now on the way back is another story. Again set cruise control at 65 and watch other cars pass me (both in state and out of state), but this time out of the 7 police cars that had individuals pulled over at least 5 were Virginians. So be careful Virginia Drivers out there and watch that speed limit.

Re: New Traffic Civil Remedial Fees

Oh this is not Russia, see in Russia they have elections to see who becomes the President. But there are not many choices, so basically the govermental parties give you a small choice of Canidates and you pick one.

Now here we have a Democracy. We can vote. You can choose between a Republican and a Democrat. It really all depends on your emotional attachment to a few issues you find important. So you basiclly pick which side you hate, and then vote for the other side.

Re: New Traffic Civil Remedial Fees

I have a huge problem with the new laws that are not felonies,DUI and wreckless driving and more serious offenses getting lumped in the mix of these insane fines!
How many people losing their license and being put in financial hardship will it take! These dictatorship type governamental tactics that have been put in place by those who stand something to gain politically by these new fines. There must be some hidden political bartering that has taken place for this to happen.
This stunt is going to place more unlicensed drivers on the road than ever before. Choose between not being able to feed your family,losing your source of income for lack of a drivers license or driving anyway! The problem is going to compound you guys!
Even if every driver in the state broke no traffic laws there would still be tickets! Money and greed and special interest are the driving forces behind these fines. NOT ROAD SAFETY!
I travel quite a bit and I have noticed a dramatic ramp up on traffic stops in the past few months. State, county and city lawforcement are all jumping in with both feet. If the same effort was put forth in enforcing the laws that already existed they wouldn't have time to shoot easy targets with literally no defense! Honestly , have you ever been stopped on a bogus charge and were treated like you just robbed a bank somewhere?
I can name several I have first hand experinced either being ticketed or witnessing it happening to others. There is a large grey area on speeding enforcement as it is. The next time you are stopped , ask the officer to show you the radar reading ,video and timestamp of the violation in question? You will not get it, no matter how polite you are! Here are some of the excuses I have gotten over the yeare!

If you even ask about proof on gulit on your part the officer gets ******* NO MATTER HOW POLITE YOU ARE! GUILTY AS CHARGED , where does the judge come into play? ANSWER : To make it official!

I know that some officers will see this post and take offense! IF the shoe fits wear it! This is about the REMEDIAL FEES that have been rammed down the throats of all citizens that choose to live and drive here in the state of Virginia!

To Officers that are put forth to enforce these remedial fee collections. Do it honestly! You will be hurting a lot of people in the process!

ps. How do you give a officers these remedial fee charges and traffic violations? I have witnessed hundreds of voilations on the part of these fine people racing to make a shift changes,horse play, running stop signs, excessive speeding while not in pursuit, and the list goes on. Recently one running the stop sign at the intersection of Hwy. 58 & Hwy. 92 today!

Re: New Traffic Civil Remedial Fees

Very well said, i totally disagree with the new laws, but the fact that there is a higher force that the laws don't apply to really adds to my frustration. pretty much any government marked vehicle whether it be a fish and game truck, a police car, or even a utilities vehicle, the cops will not stop them, because they are part of the government circle. By the way any off duty cop will never be given a fine for speeding. I feel like we are a bunch of hamsters in a cage.

Re: New Traffic Civil Remedial Fees

We need to start worrying about real criminals..... Saw today where some guy who was locked up for murder for 20 years, got out and killed a 17 year old girl. Too bad we are busy using our resources, time, and money to implement new traffic laws instead of trying to protect the residents of the Commonwealth from predators and repeat "lifelong" criminals.

Don't forget, driving is a privelege, it is not a god given right of existence. If you cannot follow the traffic laws, you lose the right to drive. It is pretty simple!


Re: New Traffic Civil Remedial Fees

I thought this was a website about fishing?

Re: New Traffic Civil Remedial Fees

It is generally a forum for fishing and other related subjects. When the OWNER of ADMINISTRATOR of this board post and keeps the topic at the top of the board, I think WANDA has the right! I just happen to share a common concern about little slick moves by the politicians to rape my pocket and anyone else who cares that has driving priveledges here in the Commonwealth of Virginia!
I traveled 350 miles today and witnessed 15 officers enforcing the new remedial rape in process. I have been driving the same area for 8 months and until 2 months ago during my usual 1000 to 150mile traveled weekly I would witness less than 10 in the same area over a whole week. I saw 52 patrol cars and 2 planes in the air on my way home last friday in less than 300 miles from my job to my house.
If these figures don't get your attention now ,just wait a few months.

Re: New Traffic Civil Remedial Fees

This is nothing more than a new tax.
It is my understanding this was an alternative to raising the state gas tax. Virginia gas tax is actually below the country's median tax for fuel at 18.5 cent a gallon. You can also apply for gas taxes back from the state for every drop you burn in your boats.
I do not have a problem with fines for DWI's, revoked licenses, and other serious offences being through the roof, but don't inforce civil penalty fines for something as subjective as a rolling stop, or driving to fast for conditions.
The Virginia law enforcement should not be put in a position to raise money for our roads. The politicians don't have the gonads to raise the gas tax on us, so they are transferring the blame to the hard working police officers of our state.
I hope everyone will see through this smokescreen and blame the sorry individuals that imposed this tax when it comes time to vote again!

Re: New Traffic Civil Remedial Fees

I understand how everyone feels about these fines. I understand that the police are the ones that are getting the bad rep behind these fines, but at the same time, we did not make the laws, just enforce them. As for th epost on seeing the radar. First,Va Law does not require the officer to show you the reading on the radar. Secondly, if radar is operated correctly, the speed will not be on the radar unit at the time of the stop because that ruins your tracking history to lock the speed in. Third, it becomes an officer safety issue as well as the violator's to allow you out your vehicle just to walk back to my patrol vehicle to see your speed. I could go on and on just like other people on here have done, but I will end with this. I don't agree with these fees but we put the people in office that make the laws. When you get a chance to vote them out, be like Nike and JUST DO IT!!!!!

Re: New Traffic Civil Remedial Fees

I would be interested to know why it's alright for a law enforcement officer to drive over the speed limit without lights on?
I'd like to see them install computers to monitor law enforcement vehicles and if they're not being called to an emergency..that they get fined just like the people they write tickets to. I see them all the time on 295 driving 75 mph with two or more people in the car with no lights on.
Is as I say.....NOT as I do?

Re: New Traffic Civil Remedial Fees

I can only respond this way. We often respond to calls that do not require us to run blue lights and siren but at the same time, you may have some ground to cover to get to that call and we may be running over the limit.(Example: I worked Greensville County which I think is about 37 sq miles. You get a 911 hangup that may be 30 miles away. True, you don't know if there is an emergency or not, but do you drive the speed limit there.) Alot of times, officers get critized for that but as the citizen, you don't always know the circumstances as to why that officer is running over the speed limit. The dept I currently work for has digital camera's in the car and the patrol car speed is displayed and recorded on the camera at all times .I know personally, I do not write speeding tickets until you are 13 over. 75 in a 65 doesn't even get my attention and depending on how traffic is, I don't start writing until 81 which is reckless driving. I've been an officer since 1993 and often hear people make the statements that you just made but at the time, the first time you call the police and they take a few extra minutes to get there, the first question we get asked is "What took you so long to get here"? I do acknowledge the fact that alot of officer's do think that they are above the law and it burns me alive to see one that acts that way, but at the same time, I ask you take into consideration that not all police officer's take advantage of the badge on their shirt or in the wallet when they are off duty.

Re: New Traffic Civil Remedial Fees

Jerry, thanks for your posts.
Some smart person out there in legal or enforcement...can you tell me why, since the stated purpose was to raise revenues, Virginia did not just raise the fines on all these offenses? Then everybody has to pay; why is the mechanism a "remdial fee"? thx...jfo

Re: New Traffic Civil Remedial Fees


Is there any reason why they don't run with their lights on at least? I think if you get a call on any possible emergency and you have to go over the speed limit, you should be required to at least run your lights.
Some of these officers are from out of state that are speeding up 295, which I'm sure they had to go pick someone up from another state and transport back to their area, but does that give them the right to speed?

Also, one other question regarding reckless driving, which IMO is cars weaving/changing lanes to get around other vehicles while speeding. Anyway, why is it that more drivers are not pulled over for cruising in the left lane? These drivers "help" to promote reckless driving by speeders. If people would not use the left lane but to pass slower traffic, it would help keep speeders in the left lane where they belong vs having them put others in danger by multi-lane changes to get around these slower vehicles.
I was told by a youth that driver's ed is now teaching students that it is alright to drive in ANY lane and that there's nothing wrong with driving in the left lane all the time. What's up with this??? Has something changed in the original reason why multi-lanes were developed in the first place? It was due to the large amount of traffic and the risk of head-on collisions while passing slower traffic on two lane highways. I have noticed in the past 10-15 years more and more drivers are sitting in the left lane driving 60-65 mph and will not get over even if there's 10 cars behind them. These people whether they believe it or not, DO help promote reckless driving and put others at risk.

If we're so worried about reckless drivers and getting speeders off the roads....why aren't we doing something about cell phones and these GPS units right on the dash in front of the driver????!!! Talk about a high risk for others!!

Re: New Traffic Civil Remedial Fees

Just get the car # off the cruiser and report it.A report has to be made and filed.I was going down the road one night and i look in the rear view and see lights flashing,i come to the stop light which had just turned "Red" and here come to the Ambulance and they flick this button on their control inside the Ambulance and there they go,straight through the light.I caught up to the Ambulance and where did it go?Nowhere but back to the station.Backed in and parked.This was abuse of what was suppose to be used strickly for "Emergecy" situations.Don't be afraid to report them.Get them off the street as well.I know who pays their salary.

Re: New Traffic Civil Remedial Fees

I heard these fines even include things like having a burnt out tail light. Is that true? I can't see the worn tire thing either. That can sneak up on a person.
I can see some of the instances where a person is really meaning to break the law but sometimes things happen that deserve a warning instead of 3 years of d**n fines!

And why should out of staters get a free ride?

Seems as if Virginia lawmakers are prejudiced against their own citizens.

What is really sickening is they have the nerve to actually admit it is to raise money. When are they going to do something about the large numbers of illegal aliens driving around with no license or insurance and many drunk off their keesters?
And when they have accidents they take off running and with no insurance the not at fault driver's ins. has to pay for his own car damage.......

It's a shame to see VA's own "leaders" (yeah right) persecute it's citizens in this manner.

I guess Clarksville's speed traps will tighten that much more. I saw several townys today from town to home in 5 short miles.

Vote em OUT!

Re: New Traffic Civil Remedial Fees

I think the fines are a little stiff, However If you drive like someone with sense whatcha grippin about ?? Stop signs mean stop, red lights mean stop no yellow dont mean floor it. Is it that hard to drive the speed limit ?? IMO the hole world is in a hurry, why ? Every where you look every one is in a hurry, Ever seen a car load of teenagers run a stop sign right out in front of a work van running 60, watch a kid go flying throught a windshield rolling down the road then lie there motionless ??? I don't hang out at the police station but hey, they just doin there job, just like the park rangers around Occenneccee no one likes it but it's there job.I just wonder where the police are in the evenings on the 29 expressway betwwen 430 and 600 ?? I'll bet out of 50 cars 2 may be runnin 55, most betwwen 65 and 70 and a lot faster, cutin in and out like they are on a race track, or where are they at when cars go fling through the red lights ?? I know there are only so many out there but it gripes my butt to get passed at a red light by a fool going way to fast , run the light then I go a mile up the road and get pulled for a tail light. One more thought, in VA the highest speed limit anywhere is 65, Why make cars that run 130+ ?? Most newer cars have a computer chip to kill the throttle around 105-112 why not shut it down at 70 ??? Just my 2 cents worth. Buckle up drive like ya should and let the idiots pay the fines.

Re: New Traffic Civil Remedial Fees

One thing that I thought was interesting that the delegate that originally introduced this legislation to begin with is a partner in a major law firm which their main business is defending traffic violators. It has already been stated that they are looking for their business to increase as a result of this bill. Talk about a conflict of interest, how does someone who stands to profit personally is able to have any part of passing or introducing legisltion that will line their pockets?
Also just something interesting, about two years ago a bill was introduced in Va. to outlaw the spinning hubcaps or wheels here in Va. Now personally I do not see why someone would want them but WHY make it against the law to have them on your car if you so choose? The bill did not pass but are the politicians just bored or what? Do they feel they need to pass something just so they can feel good about taking their pay?
Another interesting note is under the new civil penalties having an operational nitrious system on your vehicle is grounds for three years of fines. You do not have to be using it, only have a system that will work on your vehicle to be found guilty.
Va. sucks more each year as a place to call home!

Re: New Traffic Civil Remedial Fees

Jerry said " I don't agree with these fees but we put the people in office that make the laws. When you get a chance to vote them out, be like Nike and JUST DO IT!!!!! "

Well said Jerry and I agree 100%. It is time to hold our elected officials accountable and the only way to do that is to show up and let them hear our vote.

Truth is, it's laws like these that make your job that much more difficult and make the people that much more cynical.

Re: New Traffic Civil Remedial Fees

Jerry, Just don't change the way you look for infractions to take in more money. If someone is convicted of DWI, driving w/o a license, or any number of these serious offences, they deserve what they get. If a driver has to pay hundreds of dollars because their wheels did not completely stop moving at a stop sign or their tires were too worn that's a different story. He11, maybe their tires had not been replaced because of a lack of money and after the ticket they sure can't afford it.
As for police speeding, I believe officers should drive well OVER the speed limit on interstates. When driving the speed limit they do nothing but back up traffic that averages 10-15 miles over the posted speed. A good officer will let a car cruising at 72mph (in a 65mph zone) go and wait a few minutes to get the guy traveling in excess of 80 mph.

Re: New Traffic Civil Remedial Fees

Who do we vote for when they're all the same? One party is no different that the other. They're all full of BS and careless about the regular American citizen. They're all running for office for the money and nothing else. It's just who's willing to do what for how much regardless if 80% of the citizens are against it.

Our system needs a serious complete overhaul.

Re: New Traffic Civil Remedial Fees

I am wrapping up a 20 year career in the Navy here in Virginia. I have only been here about two years now. The fishing is great and I love Buggs. But these new laws are rediculous. One infraction is a 35 dollar fine, but the civil remedial is $900??? Come on for pete's sake. And thats not even the DUI one. Right now I claim California as my residency being military and all. Was thinking of changing that to Virginia. There is no way in heck I am going to do that now. I was willing to support the commonwealth for living here. But not now. All it takes is one bad day for me, maybe being in a little hurry to get to my daughters birthday, or softball game, or something, and whamo. I don't usually speed too much, maybe 5 over anyways. But this is nuts. Where is the incentive to become a Virginia resident now?? And how many other people like me are not going to become residents because of this?? By the way the DUI laws and fines should be way higher than they are. Just my .02. Thanks for listening...errr reading.
