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Kerr / Buggs Island Visitors Fishing Reports
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catfish on banister lake

does anyone know the best places to catfish on banister lake in halifax and the best bait to use. looking for a good spot to take the kids. thanks for any help.

Re: catfish on banister lake

I heard the lake has some nice channels in it. You could probably work the bank and have some luck.

Also, I heard behind the dam is a good spot.

Re: catfish on banister lake

how do you get behind the dam on the bannister?

Re: catfish on banister lake

You can park outside of the chain link fence and walk behind the dam or either park at the boat landing parking lot and walk behind the dam. Watch out for snakes, those rocks are full of them.

Re: catfish on banister lake

Note to self - due to snake infestation, do not fish behind the dam at Banister.

Re: catfish on banister lake

Love to catch the snakes. Night is the best time. Use small light and lont pole. Shine the light throw the pole down and shot the snake. Mike

Re: catfish on banister lake

cat dog, deepest water is on the left side of the lake going up & after about 3/4 mile there are a lot of high stumps under water, be careful if you venture up the lake more than a mile.