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Kerr / Buggs Island Visitors Fishing Reports
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Fireplace vs Live Bait

I've decided that the end of a rodtip bouncing with a real wiggler on the end has the same soothing power as flames flicking in a fireplace. You can lose all track of everything staring at either...jfo

Re: Fireplace vs Live Bait

i will have to agree with the part about losing track of everything staring at either.... but i will say ive never seen a fireplace that made my heart race quite like nice big live bait that doesnt like whats going on starts moving around with a bit more spunk.
my uncle and i were on the dan at milton night before last and around 3am or so, right when the faint light from the upcoming sun kinda brightens the river up a bit and for those who know what i mean theres nothing more imppressive in the anglers world, we both agreed that there was no where else in the world that we would rather be. theres just something majestical about it all.

Re: Fireplace vs Live Bait

Yea, What yall said.... Wheres the fish at jfo?