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Kerr / Buggs Island Visitors Fishing Reports

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Kerr / Buggs Island Visitors Fishing Reports
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Fished the mouth of Butchers the past 2 nights. Caught 3 (5,6 and 8 lb.) Fri. night and Sat. caught 4 bout 2 lbs. and had a 3lber to get off and one that had to be double digits. All were in 20 to 25 ft.

Re: Stripers

After dark try trolling live bait on long sloping points. The more structure on the point the better.
Also look and listen for flipping shad. I know that sounds funny but when its still you can hear them flipping. I got a lot of sun today but not that much.
Had a client today as a result of a graduation present. Good luck.


Re: Stripers

Thanks Bo, I know about the shad flipping the top. Fri. the moon was full so it was hard getting them to come into the lights, but Sat. they came in great with the cloud cover. Will definetly try trolling next time I'm up. Good fishing to everyone!