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Kerr / Buggs Island Visitors Fishing Reports

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Kerr / Buggs Island Visitors Fishing Reports
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Where are the majority of them at? B/c I have been fishin at Milton and Dan Daniel and the 265 Bridge and nothing!!!!! CAN SOMEONE PLZ HELP ME!!!


ive been fishing the lower half of the dan and their just starting to get in there good, so just give it some time and dont give up.... theyll be there!!!
how did you do last year up that far, size and quantity wise?


YF, I'm gonna offer my opinion and its just that. Others can add what they know. I dunno about any majority but the quality fish I have been finding are "quite late". My results are coming from downstream from where you are. I have not put anything over 30 in the boat above SOBO yet this year & I have done a reasonable number of sets above. Movement is upstream. Generally in May I can pick a good quality spot and relax but this year that got me skunked me more than 1/2 the trips. To get fish in the boat I had to start moving like it was August or something.

Last nite I lost at least a full pak of hooks, associated terminal tackle, and an anchor. Most of the terminal tackle was lost when my only good fish of the nite decided to cross every line as its first move taking three of them into the same jam where it went. I lost the anchor when I loosened the line to ease down and retrieve the fish out of the jam and doing so got the rope around something in the river back upstream of the boat. Overall a tough but satisfying nite. Sit tite & keep the lines wet. Where's 265 bridge? jfo


Didnt fish for them last nite!!!


man it just wasnt a good night for you, hope he was a monster, but hey thats just part of river fishing.


hahahaa silent man....It was tough but satisfying...I was able to get the was the other stuff I lost. Fish wasn't a monster but it was solid enough to make the nite more than worthwhile...jfo


thats all that matters!!!!!


buddy of mine caught a 36lb flat friday nite in blanch.265 bridge is next to the brantly stem plant above anglers park,very shallow up there


Thanks. Is that the 29 bypass as well? I was up there a few weeks ago, I finally got the trick to get thru back down thru the cut in the sewer plant dam. You are right it was very shallow up under the bypass, just no water moving. Young fisherman, keep those lines wet...jfo


yea jfo its the 29 bypass.