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Kerr / Buggs Island Visitors Fishing Reports

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Kerr / Buggs Island Visitors Fishing Reports
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Hey all -

been lurking on here for a while trying to figure out this lake - pretty much a newbie at real fishing (beyond bobbers and worms - hah). In laws have a place just off Buffalo and a new boat, and am thinking of heading up tomorrow for some fishing.

A Co-worker says the Stripers are coming back to the lake - this true? They up toward Bluestone and Buffalo or any back down toward the other end? Anyone having luck yet? Thanks all!


Re: Stripers?

fished 6 hours thursday night between Ivy Hill and Island Creek Dam, zip zilch zero nada totally skunked. good luck

Re: Stripers?

As they move back into the lake they should be heading back towards the dam and all the places in between that they hang out when the water is warm

Re: Stripers?

I fished the Staunton river in Brookneal Sat and Sunday and caught 8 stripers. 3 of the 8 were keepers, but I released them for another day.

The Staunton is very low right now and I would expect they are headed back to the lake to find deeper water.

Caught most on super flukes with 3/8 jig head. Others were caught on Redfins after dark.

All but 2 of those caught were thin, however those 2 still had a big belly. All were male.


Re: Stripers?

Thanks all for the responses - I'm heading up today and will let you know how things go!