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Kerr / Buggs Island Visitors Fishing Reports

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Kerr / Buggs Island Visitors Fishing Reports
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Anybody else fish Friday night?

I went out around 7 and fished for a few hours above the bridges to Bluestone. Not a single bite. Got colder than hell, a bit breezy, and pretty choppy around the bridges.

There were a couple guys putting in when I was and one only had a t-shirt on. We suspected he wouldn't last too long. They were gone when we got back to the ramp! lol!

Just wondering if I needed to go up lake further, or if it was slow for everyone?

I hate getting skunked....I'll be back out there soon to redeem myself.

Re: Anybody else fish Friday night?

A buddy of mine did the same route on saturday night, also got skunked. I've still got a sore throat from being out there thursday night, I got skunked too but I was striper fishing.