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Kerr / Buggs Island Visitors Fishing Reports
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pig n jigs

when do pig n jigs work the best and what color and do they work in ponds

Re: pig n jigs

i've not found a time a P&J won't work....well i haven't tried it thru the ice, but??? i've done best usin black/blue an greenpunkin (jig an trailers matchin) the problem i've had in ponds, after spring most have alge on the bottom an usin any 'jump' lure is a pain. if ya get good at countin down an swimmin it ya can catch'em but when it hits bottom its gunked-up. late fall, winter and early sping ya should be okay draggin an hoppin it off bottom(watch a crawfish, this is the way ya make it act) hope this helps! FD

Re: pig n jigs

ditto on that, next to impossible to have any success in ponds because of the algae and junk that grows in there. I have used pig trailers on spinner baits in ponds and caught quite a few, especially a smaller spinner bait like the mini bomber and a smaller pig trailer.