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Kerr / Buggs Island Visitors Fishing Reports

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Kerr / Buggs Island Visitors Fishing Reports
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Trip to Kerr

Just started fishing Kerr recently. Went yesterday evening and this morning too - put in at Longwood. Water temp was 62-63F and overcast. First time in Grassy Creek. Only caught 2 small ones on a crawfish colored Bandit med diver. Tried topwater - only one hit. Expected more based on cloud cover and unstable conditions.

Nothing on jig nor worm nor fluke. Should have tried floating worm based on other report here. Tried mostly brush near deeper water. Fished a few points with Carolina rig but nothing. Not sure how to find the right places/points in 8-12'. Will try to locate better points and deeper structure in future trips. Also tried riprap banks with brush with great anticipation, but they didn't yield any fish. I have more work to do. One guy at the ramp had gone back to get heavier line because he broke off 3 at the boat using 8 lb test. He also said brush tops near deep water, but didn't disclose lure of choice.