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Kerr / Buggs Island Visitors Fishing Reports
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how do you fish a chatterbait and a boyah boggie bait beacuz i cant seem to get it to work

Re: chatterbaits

I can tell you that it does work. I have had a lot of luck with it this year. I fish it depending on the situation alot like a jig raising it up then let it fall, and alot like a spinnerbait except very slow. I hope this helps, it catches bigger fish. Good Luck, Kingfish

Re: chatterbaits

I agree with you on the chatterbait. I don't usually pick up and use stuff like that, but it has proven to be a fish catcher for me!! I caught 2 nice keepers and a huge crappie on one Sunday. I will either slow roll it or jerk it and let it flutter back down. Most of my hits seem to come on the flutter back down. I like the 1/2 ounce in pumpkin or green for clearer water. good luck!


Re: chatterbaits

when do the chatterbaits work

Re: chatterbaits

caught the first ones on it in 54* water..and its still workin. had the best luck at 56-58*...dingy water, steady retrieve.((put a fluke on it!)

Re: chatterbaits

how do u put a fluke on a chatterbait

Re: chatterbaits

very carefully :)

Re: chatterbaits

aI would just thread the fluke on like a spinnerbait trailer.

Re: chatterbaits

like raymond said.