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Kerr / Buggs Island Visitors Fishing Reports

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Kerr / Buggs Island Visitors Fishing Reports
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bass spawn

Im going to kerr on the 4th was wondering with the full moon being on wed. if the females will be in on the beds by saturday?? I've read that alot of the posts are saying that senkos in watermelon red is the ticket also wondering if that pattern has changed or if it is still holding true ??

Thank you in advance

Eric in PA

Re: bass spawn

I fished tourn. on the lake yesterday..some 4 to 7 ones weighed in a few with signs of bedding work. It's in motion now and will get going even better in the netx couple of weeks on through May. the better fish are in the 2-8 foot range not in the bushes, the water is dropping and they know it. Yesterday was a good windy point day for the old spinner bait and back points with crank bait or ball and chain (c-Rig). With that said if you just want to catch some bass you can still fish the brush and shallows they just want be the good ones they will be the 12" to 2 pound ones. If they keep pulling water there want be many bushes to fish in a few more days. Good luck and catch and release the females!!.

Re: bass spawn

thank you tomcat I will be fishing a tourney but its a paper club catch, measure, release. I really like that as far as the conservation and mortallity rate of the fish. I wish more clubs would do that instead of stressing the females like that at weigh-in

Re: bass spawn

Eric, HOORAY!!! for you and you club. It is great to see clubs moving to the format used by many saltwater tournaments, measure and release. Of course, the Redfish tournaments are becoming as popular as the bass tournaments, all of those fish on boat rides for hours. Yes, everyone has a right to fish, ye they could eat them, I know, but the fishery would have to improve with the reduced mortality of true, catch and release.

Re: bass spawn

I hope you have a good tourn. Nice idea for small club tourn....But in the money tournaments it would be real hard to do it without a wieghmaster on every boat. I do see alot more care in the fish and the future of bass fishing today than in the past (old days) fish on chains and in coolers to ride around and brag about and give away. I do fish tournaments but also do want fish for next young people to enjoy that goes for all fish in all waters. The live wells on boats today do a very good job with the fish these days if the people do there job it works out pretty good.