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Kerr / Buggs Island Visitors Fishing Reports

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Kerr / Buggs Island Visitors Fishing Reports
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Water Release Info

Courtesy of Vice President Gene from the Roanoke River Basin Association:

Releases out of the Roanoke have been at 20,000 cfs since the 5th of January and are expected to stay at that level until the 25th or 26th. They will then ratchet down to 15k, 12k, 10k, about 4 days at a time.
That should get us back to about the 300' level in early February when the guide curve goes back to 301.5 and 302 to keep storage for the spring striped bass run. All this based on no extraordinary rain event which would require tweaking.
There is Powerhouse work that has to get started with new Header Pipes and some other maintenance. The gates are getting old. This will require a level less than 302. Hopefully that can start next week and if
everything works out as planned all needs can be accommodated.