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Kerr / Buggs Island Visitors Fishing Reports

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Kerr / Buggs Island Visitors Fishing Reports
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Since I read others, I'd thought to post some info. Went Weds. 12/27 by myself, I'm glad I brought some bait bc the wind didn't let me find any in the morn. First time this year at Kerr, tried to find a calmer spot in Grassy. Had a double on at 9:00 and picked one 8lber. Then the wind switched and blew me away the next hour. Tried a cove w/ just a cat but found a few baits. Decided to try diff area so went to the mouth of Grassy in main lake and got a 6lber before trolling motor juice ran out. Thanks for the comeback Sonny. Done good at Tillery so going there this weekend. Happy New Year!! Until next Time Fish on!!! fish on...