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City of Oaks Pipe Band Forum
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Looking for Sheet Music for Murdo's Wedding

I have found a version written in some kind of Piper's code with numbers brackets {} and lower/upper case letters. I guess the grace notes are the lower case and the numbers refer to octaves but there is is no note values...

Please help. Thanks. Its for my mother.

Re: Looking for Sheet Music for Murdo's Wedding

Hi Bob, I know you posted this about a million years ago but if you are still looking for Murdo's Wedding let me know and I can send you a traditional version that I have.

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Replying to:

I have found a version written in some kind of Piper's code with numbers brackets {} and lower/upper case letters. I guess the grace notes are the lower case and the numbers refer to octaves but there is is no note values...

Please help. Thanks. Its for my mother.