Welcome to the City of Oaks Pipe Band web site. We hope you enjoy our site, and would appreciate any suggestions you might have for additions or improvements to it.
I really enjoy the quality site, especially the number of tunes and accompanying words. The words give a better understanding as to how a tune should be played: remorseful, reflecting, proud, jaunty, etc. An internet search of bagpipe tunes fails to show this site on the first two or three pages, where it should be. While a few other sites may have more tunes, the combination of tunes and words is unsurpassed by any other web site. I recommend that you request being linked by several of the sited that are quickly shown during a search, and see what needs to be done to atract the big search engines to your site.
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Welcome to the City of Oaks Pipe Band web site. We hope you enjoy our site, and would appreciate any suggestions you might have for additions or improvements to it.
I enjoyed my visit and especially the tune list page. Would it be possible to add a new feature the tune list? It would be nice to have a "Historical Facts" list of the tunes. I have a few histories, like for Heights of Dargai and others. They make interesting reading and give more insite to the music itself.
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Welcome to the City of Oaks Pipe Band web site. We hope you enjoy our site, and would appreciate any suggestions you might have for additions or improvements to it.