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Re: Beware the leaven, not the Pharisees


Re: Beware the leaven, not the Pharisees

Grace unto you, and peace,
from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

Yeah, many carnal christians, as if children not yet weaned from the second law of Rom 8:2 law law, or the "second" (law): "love thy neighbor as thyself" of Mt 22: 38,39 law law, witch is notably "like the first" (law): law => sin => death (a dead end) and "fulfills the law" (a "ministration of condemnation" and a "ministration of death": 2Cor 3:7,9);

Many such law <=> law folk are still unaware of the little leaven (law) in the Lord's prayer, which was notably given in response to a request to teach us to pray like John the Baptist did his disciples, witch is kinda like much of Americah prays: God bless America, and nobody else; Then they go to and fro the earth law imputing sin for the "hell" of it, promoting their rule of "law", and do it by 'force' if necessary, as if to law impute sin & death to the entire world; Thereby being as more the "child" of hell than previous hypocrites, fools, vipers, and blind guides who sat in Moses' seat: law (Mt 23:1, 15).

Question lately is: will we survive the spiritual adolescence of fundamentalist christians, legalistic jews, fanatical muslims; Go on to Spiritual Adulthood: grace void of such law law?

Many are unaware 'forgive us as we forgive' is deadly if we don't forgive all men all their trespasses, as is clarified in the PS to the prayer. And who the heck even knows all the trespasses of all men, or the secret ones of a neighbor, or even a spouse, let alone those of six billion already afflicted with a bad case of grace + law = life + death = a dead end. Not to mention "charity never faileth" is "above" forgiving one another by "another law", witch only works "all manner of concupiscence" and makes even the man Paul a "wretched" man instead of a perfect man like Christ: the end of the law, even for righteousness of such lefteousness and righteousness.

Far better to abolish law, put away childish things: laws, than to law impute sin for the "hell" of it, then try and fail to forgive one another via another law, and end up condemned in such due process of law.

Not to mention be aware is far better than beware, which is to say perfected love void of fear is far better than unperfected love + fear, which is as joy + torment. For it is written God is love, then clarified God is perfect love, or love void of fear, which is joy void of torment. For fear hath torment.

Via a little leaven, a little law, a little fear, of law worketh wrath (which God hath not appointed us unto), fear and torment thereof have become epidemic world wide lately, as if having a latter end worse rather than better, via "this gospel" rather than "that gospel", which are notably as the "beginning" and the end of "sorrows".

No matter, that gospel shall also go global, and as if to bring an end to the global sorrows witch began via this gospel going global and thereby being the "beginning" of sorrows. For the law thereof such perverted gospel of grace + law (witch is as being blessed + cursed = accursed: Gal 1), was as "great" as twice fallen Baby-lon is "great", and notably a "great terror", as noted in Dt 34:12.

The "grace" of our Lord Jesus Christ with you all. Amen.

Daniel Miles

Beware the leaven, not Pharisees; But beware the Dogs

Grace unto you, and peace,
from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

Reminder, that when it comes to Pharisees: scribes, hypocrites, fools, serpents, vipers, and blind guides, it's only beware of their leaven: their doctrine. But when it comes to a Dog (reverse of God) it's beware of Dogs, not just their Dogma.

Three Top Dogs mentioned in the Bible are James, Peter, John; with Peter(Satan) in the midst of three; two of which notably wanted to be, asked to be, left and right of such God on high: Law; instead of seated with Christ (the end of the law) "higher than the heavens" divided left and right on high, where there is wickedness in high places, of highminded(unholy) ppl who did not take heed nor give more earnest heed to "mind not high things": Romans 12:16 and "be not highminded": Romans 11:20 and 2Timothy 6:17, since highminded is listed among unholy things: 3Timothy 3, along with the exhortation: "from such turn away".

Yet Peter, the only man called "Satan" in the Bible, and told "get thee behind me", as if what he said was "dung", is also notably told: "when(not if) thou art converted", then strengthen(grace) thy scatter brained law law brethren.

So let us be sure our conversion from law to grace is sure, is twice risen if twice fallen, before we even try to save others who are prisoners of law; Lest we become as dead as those miners who tried to rescue other miners trapped underground by their own law law.

The GRACE of our Lord Jesus Christ with you all. Amen.