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Re: Re: Great Pyramid - True North

clue me,,,,what does=TgoolJCwya,,,,,mean?????

Re: Great Pyramid Capstone Missing

Hey Al,

TgooLJCwya is short for "The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ with you all".

Such is allegorically the "last trump" it played by "his angel" (Paul) in Revelation 22:21. It's Paul's signatory "salutation" and by his own hand, the "token" (ticket to heaven) in every (Pauline)epistle, or the "last trump" (of first and last trumps) being "grace" (of law & grace discussed by Paul, and as if having a winner take all shewdown in Revelation). For it is said JC came to "shew" (plural of show) who "is" the "only Potentate", and notably "in his times". In his times speaks of Jesus (born under the law) and Christ (the end of the law).

Within TgooLJCwya is the common ending of:
- the NT (which Paul writes the majority of)
- Pauline epistles (which form majority of NT)
- Hebrews (mini bible itself, written by Paul)
- Revelation (revealing of John, written by Paul)
- Holy Bible (containing Old & New Testaments)
which is: "Grace with you all. Amen."

Yet in the end of the Bible, as in the end of most Pauline epistles, it's clarified as "the grace" of "JC"; Since many seem to be unable to distinguish the difference between the law of CJ and the grace of JC, or lie and truth thereof Destroyer and Saviour.

TgooLJCwya. Amen.