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The End: that's declared from the beginning

Three Wishes: Grace Mercy Peace.

In Isaiah 46:10 we find that God declared the end from the beginning.

What end is declared?
Where in the beginning?

The End that was declared from the beginning is Christ: the end of the law (in him there is no sin).

For where no law, there no transgression (Rom 4:15) and when no law, sin is not imputed (Rom 5:13); And when no sin imputed, no law transgressed, hence no need for any cover up of a multitude of sins nor any sacrifice made to extortionary law, which was both the source and strength of sin in the first place.

Let there be "light" has no mention of darkness nor of lights (plural) at all. Let us make "man" (kind) has no mention of child nor of men (plural) at all. God saw (only) "good" (six times in Gen 1) and "very good" (the seventh time in Gen 1) has no mention of evil at all. Hence the end (in Revelation 22:21) has no mention of law (darkness, evil, wrath, sin, death) at all. Selah.

To wit, "that God" ("that God" of this/that Gods; the "only true God" of false/true Gods; the "only wise God" of foolish/wise Gods; the "living God" of dead/lving Gods; the "God of the living"; the "God of all grace")...

That God (who is all light and no darkness at all: 1Jn 1:5) was in "Christ" (the Christ of Jesus Christ: "the end of the law") reconcliling the world (not some only) unto himself (the God of all grace), (notably) "not imputing their trespasses unto them" (not using law to impute sin, since law imputes sin and death unto all, not some only)... 2Cor 5:19

So the allegoric end declared from the beginning is all grace and no law at all: The "grace" of our Lord Jesus Christ with you all. Amen.

And the "you all" thereof begins with "you", which God hath forgiven, so walk worthy of it for Christ's sake (theme of Eph 4), which speaks of grow up, unto the perfect man, which is Christ: the end of the law.

Converted Peter also speaks of the same thing as Paul, noting in 1Pet 5:10 it's "you" who is made perfect by "the God of all grace", and such is the after part of such a before/after sceario of ye/you. For notably "ye do err" and "alway", but "you" do not add law to "grace is sufficient", knowing it would bring sin and death upon all the kingdom within you.

Such things are an "allegory" (Gal 4:24) and "written aforetime for our learning" (Rom 15:4) since "it is preposterous order to teach first and learn after" (Bible Translators), just as it is preposterous order to be man kind first and childish after. Paul says he became a man by putting away childish things (laws). Converted Peter says those who return to law, in the age of grace, are like a dog returned to his vomit, and a sow returned to her mire after being washed.

So, let's all stop trying to attain righteousness of the law (since there is no righteousness in such leftousness, and all who tried failed: Rom 9:31) and let law be what it's intended to be in the Bible: firstly only a counter part ("added") in a God shew, to shew what grace is compared to what it's not: law; secondly the "dead testator" of the NT (Hebrews 9), and so His grace may be of "force" to all, and thereby all live (none perish) happily ever after.

Let's leave the "principles" (plural), not the doctrine of Christ, and go on to perfection (Heb 6:1), perfection of Mt 5:48 notably being "merciful" in Lk 6:36 and "full of mercy" in Jam 3: 17, for the kingdom of God is located within "you", not in "ye do err".

God hath forgiven "you", not "ye do err". Forgiveness is a mission impossible under law, only possible under grace, pure grace void of any law at all, perfect love void of any fear at all, blessing void of cursing, life void of death, the eternal sort of salvation (instead of saved + destroyed) and the eternal sort of life (instead of life + death)thereof the Christ of Jesus Christ: the end of the law. For peace (rest) with God and God given victory are both notably "through" Jesus => Christ: the end of the law.

Such perfection (no law at all) is the conclusion of all Pauline epistles, including Hebrews and Revelation; for Paul is notably "his witness unto all men" (Acts) and "his angel" (Rev) who gets to play the "last trump" it:

The "grace" of our Lord Jesus Christ with you all. Amen.

Re: The End: that's declared from the beginning

Grace unto you, and peace,
from God our Father the Lord Jesus Christ.

Albeit the end is declared from the beginning, but the end is not at the beginning. For we find the "beginning" of knowledge and wisdom is fear, which hath torment, and is of the LORD (not God). But the end of knowledge and wisdom is love void of fear, which is love(God) perfected. And God(love) perfected speaks of grace void of law, mercy void of sacrifice, and peace void of war.

Peace is not the result of war, but the absence of war. War never produces peace, not lasting peace. And even the winners of sides wars are losers of peace.

Merciful is not the result of sacrifice, but the absence of sacrifice. For the will of God is "I will have mercy, and not sacrifice" so that none perish. And even if one died for all, then were all dead, speaks of extinction, not of salvation.

Grace glory purified is not the result of law, but the absence of law. His grace did not compromise with law, but rather "abolished" the law: Eph 2:15 to the point of "blotting out" the ordinances against us: Col 2:14, to the point of every Mosaic law written in stone and in ink is to be "done away": 2Cor 3.

For pure religion paid a "visit", not a ransom; arrived undefiled and remained unspotted: James 1:27.

His grace visited those afflicted with a bad case of grace + law = life + death = dead end.

He took such oxymoronic grace + law and made it grace vs law; then took such to the cross where law got nailed as the enmity. And by such abolition of law he is our peace.

Peace with God is "through Jesus => Christ": "the end of the law"; For grace and law are contrary things which cannot coexist in peace.

The "grace" of our Lord Jesus Christ with you all. Amen.

Daniel Miles

Re: Re: The End: that's declared from the beginning

DAN,,,this ''LORD'' you keep refering to,WHO is that???like as you mentioned in=NOAH story????2= commands???2= commanders????
hmmm,thomas called JESUS=my Lord and my GOD?
this 1 has me wondering.

Re: Re: Re: The End: that's declared from the beginning

Hi Al,

Grace unto you, and peace,
from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

If there is a Lord of "Lords", it reasons there are two Lords to sort out, learn which is witch of twain. Allegorically they are law and grace.

In Gen 4:1 Adam is referred to as LORD, and in 1Cor 15 it says "as in Adam all die", and since law is a "ministration of death" in 2Cor 3:7 it reasons by connect the dots such allegorically refers to law.

Speaking of connecting the dots, try out Rom 14:23 and Gal 3:11. Whatsoever is not of faith is sin, and the law is not of faith.

The "grace" of our Lord Jesus Christ with you all. Amen.