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Forsake Your Own Mercy - via Lying Vanities

Grace unto you, and peace,
from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

In the allegory of Jonah (yeah, it's a great fish story, a parable with a moral, since it flat out says Jonah took up a parable, and Gal 4:24 says such things are an "allegory"... not to be taken literal) we find Jonah in the belly of a great fish saying:

"They that observe lying vanities forsake their own mercy".

What are lying vanities? What's the allegory for such?

Solomon speaks to such in his Ecclesiates, saying all (not some) law is "vanity and vexation of spirit"... allegory: law frustrates His grace, just as lies hinder the truth.

Jesus Christ also spoke to such, saying law was a liar from the beginning, a thief, an accuser of the brethren, a flat out lie (Jn 5:45; Jn 8; Jn 10; etc).

Paul also speaks to such, saying law is dung, something to be flushed, not eaten as food for thought. It had an expiry date, expired long ago, and was only the temporal child-ish counter part in the two part (child/man) shew about a third part: what's best of good better best, and for all (not some only) is no lawing (lying) at all. Hence all Pauline epsitles end with "grace", not law.

Converted Peter also speaks to such, saying those who return to law (lie) are as dogs returned to their vomit and sows returned to their mire.

So anyone returning to law, of law/grace in such a before/after God shew, forsakes their own mercy. For biblical law has no mercy: all who died under Moses' law died "without mercy"... Hebrews (note it's Moses' law, not God's law... law was given by Moses: Jn 1). So the lie (law) was given by Moses, not God; for it flat out says in the Bible God cannot lie (allegory: Grace cannot law). Hence God cannot die (since law is "a ministration of death", the source and strength of sin, which has a deadly sting: 1Cor 15:56; Jam 1).

To observe lying vanities (laws, traditions of men) is to forsake your own mercy (grace), for mixing contrary things such as grace + law (only plausible combo since grace "is", law "added") is as mixing life + death = an oxyMORON with a BAD ending: death.

People are beginning to awake, become more aware, see the allegory of the Bible, and the moral thereof being "grace is sufficient" (no law req'd)... especially in the prophetic third day (beyond 2000AD) for God is raising "us" up (of them/us) to do just that (of this/that): make people aware it's an allegory with a moral, not to be taken literal.

For example Bishop Spong has written on the story of Jonah being allegorical, and others are now seeing it.

Adding "law worketh wrath" to "grace is sufficient" makes grace "no more grace", but rather a perverted gospel of grace + law, which is as blessed + cursed = accursed (Gal 1), and as saved + destroyed = dead end (Jude 5). The Holy Bible has no such dead end:

The "grace" of our Lord Jesus Christ with you all. Amen.

Re: Forsake Your Own Mercy - via Lying Vanities

Three Wishes: Grace Mercy Peace.

Truth out is better than lying vanites every time, but such revelation (uncovering, revealing, disclosure) should never be for accusation or condemnation to any, only for awareness and understanding).

Flattery (most often a hypocritical lie) corrupts. Lovers of such lies are not lovers of God. Hello.

Truth rightly divided is all grace and no law at all, which is all right and no left (behind) at all.

The "grace" of our Lord Jesus Christ with you all. Amen.

Re: Forsake Your Own Mercy - via Lying Vanities

I have made up my mind, that I will no longer go to Mose's for answers to what I may eat & not eat. I have made up my mind to eat of the fruit of every tree I so desire without fear & condemnation from law. Abraham considered not his own body now dead, nor the bareness of Sarah's womb - neither do I consider the law that is dead, nor its unfruitfulness. I consider Grace and all his liberties, the tree of life always bearing fruit. I find this leaves me with "one mind" not two. I find also that I don't desire dead things at all any more. I am so tired of eating that which only leaves me empty. Grace ful-(fills) me up. I serve the God of all Grace with no law required. I love Daniel Miles for sharing his fruits with us, for he is one of the trees in who's fruits I freely partake of without fear & condemnation. God & "us" are with you Daniel, so who can be against you. "Them" (law) hated Christ, before they hated you.