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Blind vs Seeing Faith(s)

Three Wishes: Grace Mercy Peace.

Sadly many [carnal] christians and their many [carnal]pastors: http://www.godshew.org/RevelatorySermons10.htm
are not aware of twain faiths in the Holy Bible, nor aware love [God] is not blind, but sees "very good" on the sixth day, after seeing only "good" for five days; even sees the end from the beginning, and declares it too (Is 46:10), as the seventh day, having no mention of evening and morning, firstly begins with God ended blessed and sanctified (firstly pure wisdom: James 3), then it ends with God rested. Selah.

Two faiths: http://www.godshew.org/TwainShew2.htm#Faiths

The faith (the better of good/better):

Defender of "The Faith":

Your insights, opinions, on faiths, which is witch, which is better, of twain faiths?

TgooLJCwya. Amen.

Re: Blind vs Seeing Faith(s)

Blind faith: trust in the law of Moses (Jn 1:17; 5:45)
Seeing faith: some "better" thing God hath provided for "us" (Heb 11: conclusion)

Seeing faith is based on what's evident from the evidence, not on theories or doctrines of men.

Result of blind faith: these all died and received not the promise (Heb 11)

Result of seeing faith: awareness and understanding.

With all thy getting, get understanding (Prov 4:7).

Re: Blind vs Seeing Faith(s)

Whatsoever is not of faith is sin: Rom 14:23b
The law is not of faith: Gal 3:12a
"You" do the allegorical reasoning.
And remember the end of the commandment:
Love(God) one another, as I have loved "you".

I don't see the harm in it(law)... famous last words.
The POINT of the God shew is to SEE the harm in it.