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Why(?) are we here?

Grace unto you, and peace,
from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

Who hasn't wondered about the purpose of things with respect to God, asked the quesiton why are we here?

The Bible says such things are an "allegory" (a story with a moral to learn from it) in Gal 4:24, also a "mystery" (even a triple mystery in Col 2:2) to be solved in time (since there is neither mystery nor time for such in eternity) and scriptures (plural)were "written aforetime for our learning" (Romans 15:4).

It also speaks of "shew" (plural of show) in many places, and in Revelation (the uncovering). So it's kinda like a God shew whereby all the worlds a stage, a virtue-all reality comparative teaching: learning what a thing is by comparison to what it's not; for example what is grace compared to what it's not: law; what is life, compared to what it's not: death; what is love compared to what it's not: fear; etc.

So, the answer to why are we here is for "our learning". The paramount thing to learn is "grace is sufficient" (no law req'd); for grace + law (only combo plausible since grace "is", law "added") is an oxyMORON with a BAD ending: grace + law = life + death = dead end (since law a ministration of death: 2Cor 3:7; 1Cor 15:56).

Hence, until we learn grace is sufficient, stop adding law to grace, we're all groundead, have the worst sort of infirmity plausible, a bad case of life + death (grace + law). And since "there is no respect of persons with God" whatever applies to any applies to all... for clarity none enter until all enter, and thereby all live, none perish, which is in accordance with the immutable will of God: I will have mercy, and not sacrifice, an allegory for I will have grace, and not law, which meaneth I will have life, and not death. That is why we are here, to learn such, get understanding, for understanding reigns in heaven, not law, as many deceived by many ass u me.

Your insights on such?

The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ with you all. Amen.

Re: Why(?) are we here?

well,WHEN will we ALL learn????
by the way,are you Aging????
or are you 1 of them,,,that will never die?=body

Re: Why(?) are we here?

Hi Al,

Grace unto you, and peace,
from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

To age, should involve learning and maturing: growing up in grace; Not being puffed up in "another law" witch afterward oppresses, depresses, down to the grave, like the law of gravity pulls high flyers down when their law of aerodynamics fails to be eternal, or such flying high on a lie (law) runs out of gas.

Yes, I'm age-ing, learn-ing, mature-ing, growing up in grace. And since it is preposterous order to teach first and learn after, I do not teach, rather share what I've learned, from Bible study (100,000 hrs) and experience (of 56 yrs, first 40 somewhat law law). For as Paul says, the objective of scriptures, written aforetime, is for our "learning": Rom 15:4.

In my opinion it is foolish (childish) to die of "old" age in the "new" age (pun intended);

Especially in the "third day" (beyond 2,000) of such new age (new testament), which also speaks of "the third" of 'three' things to behold in Lk 13:32, which speaks of being "perfected".

The third way of three ways is "a more excellent way" than broad and narrow ways. It is also called the new and "living" way, or "the way" a "child" should "go": first go ye and learn what meaneth I will have mercy, and sacrifice, also go on unto perfection: merciful, all mercy and no sacrifice at all, via all grace and no law at all, which is all peace and no war at all.

Spiritual adulthood, is above and beyond being right of left/right, kinda like "charity never faileth" because it's "greatest" of "three" things.

Great: left of left/right; vengeance one another
Greater: right of left/right; forgive one another
Greatest: charity is above forgiving one another

Sadly many Childish-adults do not go on, beyond their broad and narrow ways, even many "children" of God don't go beyond their narrow way only "leadeth" to life, and only to eternal life by "go on, to perfection"; Go on from being child to man, then from wretched man to perfect man kind, the sort of "kind" charity never fails is, as greatest of three things.

1. Broad Way: Old way, fails all
2. Narrow Way: new way, still fails many
3. More Excellent Way: the new & "living" way

1. Children of flesh: childish law of law/grace
2. Children of God: childish grace of law/grace
3. Be no more children: all grace, no law at all

1. Imperfect ("created" of "created and made")
2. Imperfect (if made proselyte, more the child)
3. Perfection: "Grace with you all. Amen."

Spiritual Adulthood speaks of ending the God shew properly. And when ended properly: "Grace with you all", and a final "Amen" is given to that of all this and that... When ended as in the end of the NT, and in the end of Hebrews, and in the end of Revelation, which is also the end of the Holy Bible containing Old & New Testaments; Then law: sin and death thereof, never happened, nor does a latter end worse happen via "another law". And thereby (no law) all live (none perish), kinda like the real magic at the end of the Merlin movie, when all turn away from, stop giving place to, evil: law. Then poof goes the dragon (law vanishes, as written in Heb 8:13 & 1Cor 13:8, as having been a Phantom Menace, only a counter part in a God shew); None perish being the end the Lord is longsuffering to: "us-ward" (not them-ward). For "destruction", and the "no escape" sort, comes upon "them" all: Lk 17:27-30; 1Thes 5:3; Jude 5.

1. Them, who draw back to perdition
2. Them, who believe, and "go on" (us-ward)
3. Us: God which giveth "us" the victory thru JC

The same allegoric scenario applies to ye/ye/you:

1. Ye do err, alway
2. Ye shall know the truth: shall make "you" free
3. You-ward is the way to go: "you" made perfect

There is no option in "ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free" (Jn 8:32), but there is a notable change from "ye" to "you", as also noted in 1Pet 5:10 where "you" is made perfect after imperfect "ye" suffers. Note: "all who will[remain willingly ignorant] live godly[childish] in Christ Jesus[the reverse of Jesus Christ] shall suffer";

1. Law: of sin and death
2. Law: of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus
3. Ye are not under law, but under "grace".

And you "made" perfect is notably by "the God of all grace" (no law at all); Which is as going beyond childish faith-ing and childish hope-ing to the Spiritual Adulthood of know-ing what never fails:

1. Faith
2. Hope
3. Charity: the "greatest" of "three" things

The "grace" of our Lord Jesus Christ "with you all". Amen.

Daniel Miles