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Two Body's

Did I just discovered another mystery?
The two body's

Body of Christ = end of (Law-vs-Grace)
Grace(one body, many members:US, many types of grace) 1co12:20

Body of death = members another law of sin(1st death) vs Mind serve Law of God(2nd death)
Second death: Lake of fire Rv20:14 where Them-vs-Them get 'wretched' Rm7:24

Re: Two Body's


Seems apostle Paul, in 1Cor 15,
contrasts two body(s) this way:

- spiritual body: after (raised)
- natural body: before (sown)

- raised: incorruption, glory, power
- sown: corruption, dishonour, weakness

- Adam2: quickening spirit: Lord from heaven
- Adam1: living soul: of the earth: earthy

Yet 1Cor 15 also says: "as in Adam all die",
which seemed to happen to Adam1 & to Adam2
(which is kinda like a Death1 & a Death2);
Perhaps b/c both Adam1/Adam2=anthropos=liar,
which is derived from Rom 3:4 ... 1Cor 15:47.
It makes it an even more interesting mystery.

Eg: Romans 3:4
Let God be true,
but every (anthropos) man a liar.
- Son of man=anthropos=liar: Mt...Rev
- Adam1/Adam2=anthropos=liar: 1Cor 15:47.
- CJ: mediator man=anthropos=liar: 1Tim2:5.
- JC: better one man=anthropos=liar: Rom 5:15.
So fully reconciled is Jesus→Christ→God=true,
and anything less is perhaps NotYet AllTruth.

Previously in 1Cor 15 Paul contrasted bodies as:

- celestial bodies: heavenly glory: one*
- terrestrial bodies: earthly glory: another*
*yet same greek word is used for one & another

Interesting wording of contrast:
- "celestial bodies"
- "bodies terrestrial"
AsIf to reverse order

As for the body of Christ
it's also defined as the church,
Christ being head of the church;
Yet God being the head of Christ.

Interesting things to study out;
especially when considering this:
- spiritual can also be spiritual wickedness
- super-natural can also be natural disaster

So even after we become spirit of soul/spirit,
there's still more contrasting to be done:
comparing spiritual things with spiritual.

For even spirit mode of soul/spirit can be:
- spirit of truth: guides u into AllTruth
- spirit of error: is NotYet the AllTruth

If a little leaven leaveneth the whole,
We should ask God for wisdom: James 1:5,
and notably the God who "upbraideth not".

The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ [be] with you all. Amen.

Re: Two Body's

Yeah, just remember that all MEN are liars; even better: remember that God is a liar who made all MEN liars, even so, my name is Adam; I came to steal, kill, and destroy the very world we exist; and even Daniel Miles is merely a MAN: who lies just like God made us all.

For even Adam is a liar, not quickened UNTO, the ALLness of God.

But remember what I already said: my name is in the Bible, and my name is God: for God is All.

Re: Two Body's

John 1:17 KJV seems to
contrast law & grace
(by Moses & by Jesus Christ)
as if contrasting lie & truth:

The law (lie) was given by Moses, [but]
grace and truth came by Jesus Christ.

What law was "given by Moses"?
Only one I could find is Genesis 2:17,
which is contrary to Genesis 2:16

Gen 2:16 = every tree
Gen 2:17 = not every tree

To mingle contrary things makes an oxymoron.
So God's true Christ refused "mingled" drink.

Interesting things to study out.

Re: Two Body's

seems that LORD+God is also a dual God

Re: Two Body's

Indeed, Plural God = Elohyim becomes LORD God = JEHOVAH Elohyim in Genesis 2, and contradictory in Gen 2:16,17 = every tree + not every tree.

In Gen 6-8's Flood story Noah is given different commands by LORD & God

Re: Two Body's

I can do what I want to End it All. Let's just say, I am doing an awesome job.

Re: Two Body's


Re: Two Body's


Re: Two Body's

The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ [be] with you all. Amen.