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Re: Beginners start point? Know ye not this parable?


Grace to you, and peace, from
God our Father and the Lord J-->C.

Holy Bible contains Old & New Testaments,
And "beginning" is in the Old Testament;
But called "beginning of sorrows" in NT.

So NT (better testament) as if New beginning.
Matthew 1 reveals this about such a re-start:

The "generation" (genesis) of "JC" is not like
the "generations" (genealogies) of Adam1 (them).

JC neither begins with Adam1 (in whom all die),
nor ends with two Sons Jesus (is not yet "Son");
But begins with Abraham (to whom promise given),
and ends with Christ (is the seed, of Abraham).

So, to have a New & a better beginning, of NT,
allegorically born again better than born, and
end of sorrows better than beginning of sorrows,
I'd suggest new beginner begin re-start at Mt 1.

For even though Jesus first made under the law,
he is made, of created/made; Perhaps because
God said: let us MAKE (asah) man (adam); But
also gave two (before/after) options:
- Before: "in our image"... Jesus
- After: "after our likeness"... Christ

So, from OT, we should have learned this:
"created" (bara) is not "made" (asah); And
"image" (tselem) is not "likeness" (d@muwth).

So, when comparing two Adams, both are made:
- Adam1: was MADE a living soul........before
- Adam2: was MADE a quickening spirit...after
Both are made, but b/c image is not likeness;
The word of God divides asunder soul/spirit,
Not only as before/after, but as under/above.

For Genesis 1:7 revealed this 1st principle:
God divided waters/waters as under/above.
So rightly divided truth should end above.

That's a brief summary of OT & NT stuff.
Interesting stuff to 2Timothy 2:15 study.

Let me know if you comprehended any of my
allegory-ic start & re-start of OT & NT,
as if formation & re-formation of man.

Then, we can go on to "finished", of
- 1st finished = "win" (end of d-evil)
- 2nd finished = "place" (unto d-evil);
So neither give "place" to the devil, lest
end gathered at "place" called Armageddon.

Every good "mystery" has lots of twists,
(NT says "mystery" to solve over 20 times)
and usually right up to the very end; So
let us not judge anything until "the end",
not until we've heard all of the evidence,
lest in pre-judging we ass-u-me, in err,
make a divided ass out of both u and me.

Think of such as if a "learning" adventure,
then u won't take it so serious or literal.
For Galatians 4:22-26 says it is "allegory",
and notably in both of the two "covenants".

Perhaps, as Romans 15:4 seems to reveal:
it's "written aforetime for our learning";
Perhaps to learn what our heavenly name is,
and also how to hallow such a grace us name.

The grace of our Lord Jesus-->Christ [be] with you-->all. Amen.

Re: Beginners start point? Know ye not this parable?

"One God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all." Ephesians 4:6

Re: Beginners start point? Know ye not this parable?

Jesus Christ
"One God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all." Ephesians 4:6

Indeed avatar JC
one God AND
(as if also) Father of all
who seems to be above (epi)

kinda like these 2 kinds of above
- above = 'epi': Colossians 3:14 (higher)
- above = 'ano': Colossians 3:1 (on high)